Ready for The Next Level :weed:


Well-Known Member
So I've been growing for about 2 1/2 years (I think) and I've gone from 400w to 2600w and now my state is going legal and I'm in the planning stages of going pretty big. I have a 990 square foot 25x39 Use-able space (grow area) and 400+ sq ft clone/mom area (I already have that part worked out). I've been growing short 3 foot tall plants in a ebb and flow. I have a small budget of $8,000.00 I can build anything made of wood. I prefer to grow in water, my attempts in soils had too many bug issues. (maybe was bad luck dont know)

I need suggestions of the following:
1) Cost effective Grow method (ie ebb/flow or drip)
2) Best way to get commercial indoor yields (ie lots of small plants or a huge trees?
3) What type of system would you use to get max yields? Stadium? how would you hang lights? open air lights and burn A/C or hood system chained together and still burn a/c anyways lol.

There seems to be so many more dynamics when you scale up from a 12X10 Room:clap:


Well-Known Member
That's a start :) this seemed like it would be easy when I first bought this little building. I have to get this going in the next month I need this to be paying the building costs by may :) and hopefully quitting my job soon after ROFLMAO (I can dream ya know) might not even qualify to get a grow permit the state hasn't even ruled how it will work the system now that the law has passed.


Active Member
buy a book for your shitter and it should be jorge cervantas indoor outdoor medical marijauana growers guid i cant spell but u get the point. best book ever


Well-Known Member
I'm subbing up as I have been thinking about how to effectievly do a large scale grow.

I currently use an ebb am flow table but I think I woud go aeroponics. Sooo much cheaper to put together, less nutrient usage and now hydroton to fuck with.

My vote would be bare bulb stadium
grow with a huge aircon. Just allot less shit to mess with like ventilation hoses etc