

Well-Known Member
If I took a plant half way through flowering, re-vegged her without taking off the bud, then put her back to flower, would she start from week one again? Or would she just finish her interrupted cycle?


Well-Known Member
well, if she had well developed buds, she will revert to veg state

and become really fucking bushy. (as in giving you 150 tiny buds the next time you flower)

not really a problem though, dont really get where lostinilm is coming from.

revegged lots of times and never ran into hermies.

can take a long time if the plant is far along into flowering or a slow strain to reveg.

but usually thats becuase the rootsystem is far larger than the top (partially harvested plant)

and can be rectified with roottrimming.

got any more questions, im around, if i dont answer, just pm me, i might have missed the thread (sick, tired and really stoned :) (the stoned part is why im smiling :))


Well-Known Member
hmm, the bushy part depends on how much bud matter was present,

the revegged plant, converts all buds into new leaves, even 10-20 new tops coming from each bud (space allowing)

i recommend heavy trimming, selecting the best leafsites, give them adequate space with trimming (which also speeds up the revegging process, 100 tops take a lot longer to develope than say 4-10.)


Well-Known Member
sometimes they well hermie. and it depends how long you reveg them for. i always top my plants 2 times. then i put them out early so they start to flower. this makes them bush like crazy.