Re-vegged flowerin plant help


Active Member
What does it mean ..."A re-vegged flowering plant will start over on leaf points, 1 then 3, then more 3's then 5 and so on" Is 5-7 leaf when its mature to flower?

I am growing my first plant "Blue Dynamite" from a clone I got from a friend. He recently told me it had started flowering (with a hps around 4 days or so) but did not have enough room in his box.... So then he put it back in to veg. and trimmed it back. It has been in my setup for 3 weeks now... It is around 11in high right now and last week i went down to 15/9 with my 100w MH and also added a 70 w HPS (i was told to transition it over) but I only have a few 5 leave and some BIG one leaf and 3 leaf. using advanced nutrients--b-52,and carbo load, also GH Flurogro,micro,bloom and kool bloom. Should i take the HPS out until i get more 5 leaf or will this just stress it more? any help would be awesome!
---:blsmoke:Stoned to the bone



Well-Known Member
Plants can sometimes get wonky with their leaf formations after re-entering vegetative growth. It happens, probably as a result of the change in hormones the plant is releasing.

If I were you, I would take some clones from that plant and just throw it over to 12/12. There's no empirical evidence that slowly increasing the amount of darkness your plant receives is any more or less harmful than just switching over to 12/12.



Active Member
Thanks for the info Johnny, I as wondering if i was really doing any good by steping it down from 18/6 to 15/9 then 12/12.
My boy has a mother and a new batch of clones that haven't started rooting waiting on me as soon as I can cut this one down. He told me this one might be a weird one b/c it was a re-vegg. Just gonna have to work through it and be happy with what I get for my first.
---------Stoned to the bone:joint: Along with some Miller Light at 2:30 in the afternoon!!