Rasmussen most inaccurate pollster for 2012 race


Scientia Cannabis
Haha omfg!

A guy who has bashed one the best statisticians for his work and said he was no good, is now saying that WE (those who trust Nates science) are not valuing reason or logic.
How much more delusional can you get?
All I ever done is speak up for reason, logic and rationale.
In everything I do, from growing to politics.

The fact that you discarded Nate Silvers calculations, discarded his SCIENTIFIC findings and call him a mere bookie and now are turning around and saying that those who support him and trust his science are not valuing logic or reason is probably the most deluded statement of the year.
Honestly, I haven't seen a more reality detached way of thinking on this forum all year.

What you just wrote is an OXYMORON. It's a completely oblivious statement.
It makes no god damn sense.

It would be like saying to those who trust Dawkins', Weinbergs or Feynmans scientific work; "it must be fun living in a world where logic has no meaning and where reason is not a factor.".
I can't see how you can write this and be so ignorant you don't see the blazing fallacy in your writing.
Nate Silvers calculations were and are scientific, he uses logic and reasoning and a scientific method to prove his calculations.
It's quite unbelievable that you try to convince yourself of "facts" which are completely out of touch with reality.

Science won. Mathematics won.
The religious bigots lost.