Random stoner talk.


Stove bottems, and Largewaves, do it real big ya know, like small at first and then BALHAAAAAAAM!!!

Forget normal butter, using canni butter!!!!
(yeah im really doing it right now, does not look promising)


Shit, do it Air pop... get them all FLUFFY:eyesmoke:
Good idea, but idk how,,, nevermind imma do it outside on the grill!
Lol, i remember me and my brother making napalm out here, melted foam in gas, stoned off our ass we lit it up, our old washer sitting outside, he caught it on fire, i hit the grass laughing, he kept screaming "michael help, omg the washers on dryer, the washers on dryer!" he tried to say on fire!


I can't imagine it tasting too good if it worked but if it did that would be bad ass. I'd air pop that shit, you can get those old ass air poppers from goodwill for like $3.


Don't forget to sprinkle some Salt and drizzle some Cannabutter all over you Popcana. :eyesmoke:
Popcana? Genius! and seeds arnt illegal,,, i just may make a Popcana shop if this taste good, i put cheese on it so it cant be too bad, and if i do make a shop
i shall place a poster of your avatar and username, forever declaring that you created a name for the best popmarijuana in the world!
uhp, i just tasted it, taste freakin great, tho im stoned right now and may not be as confident l8er as ive been known to eat raw ramon noodles after smoking two or three bowls.