Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Only on the internet, but remember it's not the size of the ship it's how big of waves you can make ;)
its not the size of the ship or the size of the waves.... its can u make giggles wife cum and bust a nutt urself before gigglez gets home from work...


Staff member
my little business venture is going well im up to 21 likes on facebook (not big i know) but im getting excited im going to be hosting taste testing for free to people and they can give me back their feedback ! :)


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
my little business venture is going well im up to 21 likes on facebook (not big i know) but im getting excited im going to be hosting taste testing for free to people and they can give me back their feedback ! :)
So clever! Make sure you watch those facial reactions! LOL I was like ancient before I learned it's how they behave not what they verbalize! LOL so cool.


Well-Known Member
Don't let people take advantage either, a lot of people see taste testing as simply a free food (or whatever) offer with no social contract implied.