Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Pickle Queen
@april baby for you soon right march?
She's getting ripe...currently at 36 weeks(8 months ) so she could come any time now...so far I've gained 53 lbs lmfao...that's over half my pre preggo weight. .I'm sure ur bump is just fine...omg I'm soooo excited to meet baby Jordan. ..yep we even decided on her name...It will be "JJ" second J is for her middle name "Jorja " in memory of my father "George" who passed away when I was 9.

Not sure why my pic won't attach properly. .



Staff member
You have the sweetest post. It amazes me that more people don't give you likes.

I guess people don't like that you have that ban hammer.

Well I'm not afraid of you sunni. Hehe

Sorry I have been drinking..

But is this your first baby?

I'm excited for you, I am so scared to have a kid. But my brother's daughter is so awesome. I love having a baby here. She is 14 months old, she is the happiest baby ever. It is truly a beautiful experience.
yes first baby. lol im only 25.

She's getting ripe...currently at 36 weeks(8 months ) so she could come any time now...so far I've gained 53 lbs lmfao...that's over half my pre preggo weight. .I'm sure ur bump is just fine...omg I'm soooo excited to meet baby Jordan. ..yep we even decided on her name...It will be "JJ" second J is for her middle name "Jorja " in memory of my father "George" who passed away when I was 9.

Not sure why my pic won't attach properly. .
so close! youre almost there! i like that name good name pick


Well-Known Member
So I went to tge pharmacy earlier, after I hand the man my script he goes to fill it and there is this reallu gorgeous girl waiting on her done script most likely.

I pull out a smoke ready to go wait outside as per usual. She asked me for a smoke and I oblige.

We get to talking and she has just quit h few weeks ago (I quit saturday). She goes so how old aee you? I stood thete with a blank face just staring st her trying yo count the years to no avail. It was pretty sad.

She giggled and I tink I made a new friend/youknow...

That and my homie is out yhe pen as of monday. Probably going to amoke uim out friday after I go to court then make a few bucks. New coffee roasting place to check out and figure out cols brewing fully so I can incorporate it into brewing.

Good week I would say

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Sick with something. Hope it's done in a day or two. Don't feel like paying to see the doctor.

Btw, if anyone is looking for a good book to read, the 5th wave is really good. I'm reading the second book now.

This is my background while reading.
Daniel tiger. It's almost time to stop, so choose one more thing to do.