Random indica bagseed update.

Wow guys this is fun. Here she is I'm putting her into bloom in the next week or so I still have a few issues to fix but I'm excited. Anything you guys see that I should do? I'm using the spider farmer sf 1000 now. Ffof using cal mag and when I go bloom I'll be getting big bloom fox farm nutes as well. Here she is guys.... I got the new light but the purple looking light was my old light


Mak'er Grow

Well-Known Member
Wrap up the bucket to block light out...roots dont like light.
Even though its thick the light can still get through a little which can hinder plant size.
Most use foil insulation or you could even go cheaper and use black garbage bag wrapped around a few times and taped up.
Beyond that it looks very nice.
Good luck and happy growin' :P
Cant tell if your bucket is raised in the catch trays or not...should be.
Dont let the plant sit in the run off.
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Well-Known Member
How's she look now? This is after defoliation and topping I took your advice
You’ll get a lot more light and airflow into the plant. Which is super important in any grow but especially in that tent. Looks good to me, you’ll have more nice tops.