Rando Branch Death @ End of flower


Active Member
So I am just about to the end of my flower cycle, gettin ready to harvest. I've had 2 occasions of the same thing happening to me.. Maybe a week ago, two branches on my plant just simply died... There are no actual physical signs of death(necrosis, rot, mold, whatever).

There was no disconnection from branch to trunk, everything seemed fine, buds looked healthy, leaves looked fine. But regardless, 2 branches just sort of died on me as they were growing. Instantly noticeable because the buds/branch lose all water pressure and its almost as if someone clipped the branch and left it there.

Has anyone ever had this happen to them? Today I found another branch, one of the top nugs, it just started to feel like it had 0 density, 0 water pressure and was beginning the drying process. I always clip the branches off cause i fear mold/rot will follow shortly.

I can only relate this to branches dieing because like 30 mins after you clip a branch it just sort of becomes softer, squishier and a bit fluffier cause of the lack of water pressure, same shit happens. And yes, plant is watered.

Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
Typically plants of all kinds shut branches "off" for all sorts of reasons however what you are describing to me sounds like a root issue. Dead roots, too much water ect.