Rain water

Istayz High

Well-Known Member
I just collected some rain water outside. Cuz it never rains in S. California. Do I have to boil this stuff before watering my plants with it and the PH is about 7.9 should I add some vinegar to it to get it to the 6's. thanks for the responces.


Well-Known Member
Hey Istayz. Dontcha love the rain? Its messing up the snow at the resorts though. Seems like years since it has rained this hard.
I use regular water so I have no opinion on that, sorry. :)
Wonder if they'd love it? Maybe I'll try that too.


Well-Known Member
I put a couple of containers outside after I posted and there's already sooo much collected! Im gonna water with it. Seems "natural". :) The plants outside seem to love it, then again they havent had water in months. :)

Istayz High

Well-Known Member
U know what Rocket...Fuck it if rain water is good enough for your babies they maybe good enough for mine. I just started my journal you should check it out. Later.


Well-Known Member
i use drinking water from the store....it goes through reverse osmosis, ozonation, steam distillation, and deionization so im fairly confident that most of the harmful agents are out of it.....rain is probably better than city water, but worse than distilled or filtered water....maybe more nutrient rich though...


Well-Known Member
wal mart...in the aisle there are different kinds....if you get the drinking water [green label/ green cap] then that is what goes through the most treatment...if you look close at the labels it is better than the spring water and the distilled as far as how much it is treated.


Active Member
Talk to any hippie that knows anything about anything and (s)he'll tell you all about how rain water is what they used.


Well-Known Member
Geez - i use just regular old tap water. you guys make me feel like i'm depriving my poor babies :(

i would only use vinegar in a pinch to adjust pH. The garden-safe pH adjusters are better for the plants and more reliable.


Well-Known Member
the local water supply around my area makes my leaves turn yellow...too much chlorine i think, so i started buying water.... :( one of these days i'm going to buy a reverse osmosis filter