Rain Water = Perfect PH?


Well-Known Member
I watched a grow video a while back that said rain water has a good PH of around 6.0 maybe a little more.

So I tried to take advantage of a major hail storm that passed about an hour ago and collect some rain water for my plants after the harsh part of the storm had passed. (I'm not sure but I think my PH is a little off)

Here's the problem. I put out a perfectly clean empty bucket..I come back about 10 mins later and I see that rain water is yellow!...I have never collected rain water before so I'm not sure If this is the color it's supposed to be and If It would be safe to use on my plants?..Any input would be highly appreciated. Thanx:mrgreen:



Active Member
where did the run off of rain come from? your roof? dirt on the roof would stain the water. Rain water is good water but it can vary in lots of ways, depends on how it is collected. Test it

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
it might vary from place to place....in a factory heavy city it might be worse...non poluted is prolly closer

makes me wanna test mine now lol


Well-Known Member
where did the run off of rain come from? your roof? dirt on the roof would stain the water. Rain water is good water but it can vary in lots of ways, depends on how it is collected. Test it
Exactly. It was run-off from the roof. I'm gonna PH it now.


Active Member
if you want rain water that is cleaner, you have to build yourself a collection system. Something that lots of rain will hit, then run it off into your container. I like rain water but I can never keep enough of it on hand.


Well-Known Member
Thanx for great info rep+. The PH is sitting right at 7.0..you think that would be viable?


Active Member
Rain water has got h2o in there aswell which is also good for the plants, coz i havn't got alot of plants a get a 2 ltr bottle, lay it down flat and just below the nect of it the bottle cut it right down to the line on the bottom of the bottle. keep it layed down flat with two stones, one each side stopping the bottle fall over. it clear and when its full i unscrew the top and put it into a gallon tank. you can get water bins also that hold ltrs and ltrs, they have a gutter you can put onto a sheet roof and it runs into the barrel.


Well-Known Member
I have two 5gal buckets that sit in my back yard to collect rain water

I have screen ( window screen ) tied around the top so i do not get the darbee from tress and shit ( like leaves , ect ) mixed in with it

It takes for ever and a day to get it filled though lol

hell i have not ever had them filled up completely , Maybe 1/4 of the way

that's a lot of rain to fill a 5 gal bucket lol

but i try

but when ever i get enough in them to give my plants a good watering i go ahead and do it


Active Member
You have given me idears lol, ill have to get something alot bigger to get some in, its always good to have and yes it it takes sometime to fill i bet.


Active Member
a simple rain collection system. Put 4 stakes in the ground, hang a tarp, sheet of plastic, etc. Taper it so it slopes to one direction where you can collect the run off. You can collect more AND cleaner rain water this way. The more surface area your tarp has, the more water you can collect.


lol that rain water look Exactly like mine when i collected them few days ago...mines were run off the roof also so it's yellow..i checked the ph and it's around 6.0ish
been feeding my plant rain water and she loves it

jimmy jones

Active Member
I have three 55 gallon rain barrels. Goes from the roof thru a screen into the barrel. Water prices are high around here and I have a huge veggie garden so its nice to have all that free water sitting around. I'm thinking of putting in a 4th. I use it for every watering of my mj plants. Ph sits around 6.7 give or take a couple points.