Raidermans Grow


Well-Known Member
This is my first time running feeds at all and really happy starting off with teas. The results of the plants overall health is noticeably better. I have never really used synthetics except a few and never really saw potential, but I never had a line up or anything. I've only been running teas for a few weeks or so now.

I mean I think I got some decent sized plants plants in my 2g S-Pots, nice bushy Indicas with a little LST and a topping, but I did veg them for 6-7 weeks. Teas are a little extra work but I enjoy it, something to do to add with the care of the plants. I have a lot of time on my hands.

I think we just need to see some side by side comparison with teas vs things like AN lines and such. Would love to do it myself but just don't have the money for a whole new line of nutes, besides the room for a side project. You would think by now there would be a ton of comparison grows, do people just not care and they find one thing that works and swears by it for their life.
that would be cool, also remember a 2gal pot will ony max out so much in weight without getting rootbound ,say 1- 2 zips max no matter wat extra yu give the plants.add 25% for aeration pots.


Well-Known Member
I don't ahve any but it seems cats love MJ plants. Your always reading about some ones cat eating leaves or something.


Well-Known Member
I other day I took a plant out of my closest and was watering it, I turn around my cats snooping around in there, tell her to get out, slams into one of my plants. I was surprised when it didn't hit the ground.

Yeah I'm using 2g Smart Pots so I can fit 6 of them side by side in my closest to do the SOG. I'm hoping to get at least 2oz each when it's all set, still finishing this first run coming back. When I uprooted some 4-5 week vegged males from those Smart Pots, no root bond at all, could barely see roots on the sides. Really impressed compared to plastic pots, helped me a x1000.


Well-Known Member
yeah smart pots do root pruning ,the ends die wen exposed to air and cause the root to prune branching more,better plants and yields no doubt.


Well-Known Member
I never made teas,seems like a lot of extra trouble to me,less I see baseball and softball size nugs come out of 3gal pots or better and heavy yields seems a waste of time.
Damn, i took u for an open minded type of guy.. guess not.. its always good to try diff things.
What is the waist of time letting the brew?? The materials needed can be all found at walmart, excep ingredents which should be in every growers closest. Imo.
This was the 1st time i tried this tea.. and let me tell u.. my shit is the most frosty its ever been.
Taste.. fade.. smell.. and weight was overall better. But hey opinions are like assholes everybody got one.
Keep it green homie.. no disrespect intended..
Again sorry for thread jacking but this tea is no waste of time..


Well-Known Member
hey raider have you started using that bpn yet just wondering how its standing up to gh?
i'm using the micro elite nute and helps it retain a good green to the tops without fading,i say that cuz of the N and maybe do better,i'll see.will update these tomorrow.