Racist Rehabilitation

Should Racist Rehabilitation be covered under Obama Care or is that racist?

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Well-Known Member
Yes but calling a person a name they/someone does not like then shakeing their hand or rubbing shoulders in passing them becomes a 'bias crime' usualy a fellony
why is it that being racist and being nearly illiterate are so often found in the same person?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
So I just looked up some insurance after obamacare kicks in. With the hike in prices it sure as hell BETTER cover Racist Rehabilitation.

I bet the reason why it went up so much was because they cannot deny you coverage for the racist precondition.


Well-Known Member
I heard 500,000 people have signed up for accounts on the website. I also heard that 30 of them are actually considering a purchase of one of the plans.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I heard 500,000 people have signed up for accounts on the website. I also heard that 30 of them are actually considering a purchase of one of the plans.
Well that is obviously a false statistic. I know for a fact there are more racists out there than 30.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
is the correlation there are more people of colour in university than there is in jail?
I'm not the one who believes that shit. Buck needed a writing lesson. His bullshit is painful to read. At the very least, he can incorporate style so non-stoners don't consider us all uneducated hicks.


New Member
I'm not the one who believes that shit. Buck needed a writing lesson. His bullshit is painful to read. At the very least, he can incorporate style so non-stoners don't consider us all uneducated hicks.
I know canna, I've just never heard those words come out of his mouth, illiteracy and racism are most certainly up his alley...