racism is over

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
How can anyone deny that blacks have been set back substantially as a people in this country? It's a fact that low socio-economic status is linked to crime rates. To me it's obvious that racial inequality in past generations has of course affected the opportunities that are available to current generations.
The only other explanation is that black people are genetically predisposed to commit crime at a higher rate than other races. And to believe that, you would in fact need be a racist.
I explained it before, as has Bill O'Reilly, Cosby and others. It's a behavior problem within the black culture - highest degree of child birth out of wedlock resulting in no father figure in the home, none or very poor role models in the "family", little support to get ahead or get an education, taught not to be held accountable for one's actions as opposed to blaming "the man", not wishing to break the welfare cycle which the liberals push so they can hold the blacks down. It's all about control, social engineering. The dems are great at it, just ask Ted Nugent.

I could go on but if you don't get it by now you never will.

The “New Century Foundation” studies Federal crime reports, and found significant differences in crime ratio between races, verified by the FBI’s NCVS, National Crime Victimization Survey, and The Department of Justice’s UCR, Uniform Crime Reports, FBI Communication’s Division, 304-625-4995.

They state emphatically that the Judicial System is not biased against minorities.

Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.

Blacks are three times more likely to use a hand gun, and twice more likely to use a knife.

Hispanics commit three times more violent crimes than whites, but the statistics are nebulous because sometimes they are classified as white, so it could be far higher.

The best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percent of the population that is black and Hispanic.

Blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against whites then vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit a robbery.

Forty-five percent of black crime is against whites, 43 against other blacks, and 10 percent against Hispanic.

Blacks are seven times more likely to go to prison, Hispanics three times, and the reason is clear, because from 1980 to 2003 the US incarceration rate has tripled, and so proves that Justice is not only hard won, but well served.

Burglary (and other crimes against innocents) isn't some prank. It's the past-time of thugs.

It is what it is,
Uncle Ben


Well-Known Member
I explained it before, as has Bill O'Reilly, Cosby and others. It's a behavior problem within the black culture - highest degree of child birth out of wedlock resulting in no father figure in the home, none or very poor role models in the "family", little support to get ahead or get an education, taught not to be held accountable for one's actions as opposed to blaming "the man", not wishing to break the welfare cycle which the liberals push so they can hold the blacks down. It's all about control, social engineering. The dems are great at it, just ask Ted Nugent.

I could go on but if you don't get it by now you never will.

The “New Century Foundation” studies Federal crime reports, and found significant differences in crime ratio between races, verified by the FBI’s NCVS, National Crime Victimization Survey, and The Department of Justice’s UCR, Uniform Crime Reports, FBI Communication’s Division, 304-625-4995.

They state emphatically that the Judicial System is not biased against minorities.

Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.

Blacks are three times more likely to use a hand gun, and twice more likely to use a knife.

Hispanics commit three times more violent crimes than whites, but the statistics are nebulous because sometimes they are classified as white, so it could be far higher.

The best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percent of the population that is black and Hispanic.

Blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against whites then vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit a robbery.

Forty-five percent of black crime is against whites, 43 against other blacks, and 10 percent against Hispanic.

Blacks are seven times more likely to go to prison, Hispanics three times, and the reason is clear, because from 1980 to 2003 the US incarceration rate has tripled, and so proves that Justice is not only hard won, but well served.

Burglary (and other crimes against innocents) isn't some prank. It's the past-time of thugs.

It is what it is,
Uncle Ben
Never before has the statement "correlation does not equal causation" seemed so valid a response. When crack bears the same sentence as coke and white people in Florida who fire on a black teen for music volume actually get convicted of murder; you'll start in the path of having a leg to stand on.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Never before has the statement "correlation does not equal causation" seemed so valid a response.
Denial is not a river in Egypt, it is what it is. Facts before feelings.....


Age, sex, and race of offenders are collected in conjunction with arrest data. You will find the arrest data by race at http://www.fbi.gov/ucr/cius2006/data/table_43.html. If you need further assistance with UCR Program data, please contact the FBI’s Communications Group at 304-625-4995.

http://neworleans.fbi.gov/ New Orleans FBI
http://www.fbi.gov/publications.htm FBI public publications
http://www.fbi.gov/ucr/ucr.htm FBI Uniform Crime Reports
http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/cvict.htm Department of Justice Statistics
http://www.jewishworldreview.com/cols/williams081899.asp Walter Williams: The Ugly Conspiracy of Silence
http://www.amren.com/color.pdf The Color of Crime, Race, Crime, and Violence in America, New Century Foundation.
http://www.amren.com/store/colorcrime.htm American Renaissance
http://www.racismeantiblanc.bizland.com/005/06-02.htm USA - Interracial crime at a glance and statistics.
http://www.snopes.com/politics/crime/newsom.asp Snopes.com:Rumor has it
Knoxsville News Sentinal, “Fiction vs. Fact in the Christian-Newson Double Homicide.”
27 May 2007
http://library.flawlesslogic.com/rape.htm Interracial Rape Statistics
http://www.libreopinion.com/members/standarteslc/race05.html High numbers of back on white crime


Well-Known Member
Denial is not a river in Egypt, it is what it is. Facts before feelings.....


Age, sex, and race of offenders are collected in conjunction with arrest data. You will find the arrest data by race at http://www.fbi.gov/ucr/cius2006/data/table_43.html. If you need further assistance with UCR Program data, please contact the FBI’s Communications Group at 304-625-4995.

http://neworleans.fbi.gov/ New Orleans FBI
http://www.fbi.gov/publications.htm FBI public publications
http://www.fbi.gov/ucr/ucr.htm FBI Uniform Crime Reports
http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/cvict.htm Department of Justice Statistics
http://www.jewishworldreview.com/cols/williams081899.asp Walter Williams: The Ugly Conspiracy of Silence
http://www.amren.com/color.pdf The Color of Crime, Race, Crime, and Violence in America, New Century Foundation.
http://www.amren.com/store/colorcrime.htm American Renaissance
http://www.racismeantiblanc.bizland.com/005/06-02.htm USA - Interracial crime at a glance and statistics.
http://www.snopes.com/politics/crime/newsom.asp Snopes.com:Rumor has it
Knoxsville News Sentinal, “Fiction vs. Fact in the Christian-Newson Double Homicide.”
27 May 2007
http://library.flawlesslogic.com/rape.htm Interracial Rape Statistics
http://www.libreopinion.com/members/standarteslc/race05.html High numbers of back on white crime
Kudos for ignoring the entire second half of that post. You know, the part where I point out the fact that white people are less likely to be convicted of a crime.


Well-Known Member
funny how i can spam this on every thread and it's meaning is not to be dilute on any particular thread:

"i could ask you the same however, when i post with citation in a debate, it's only fair to acknowledge rather than steam roll over and ignore the opinion". ~schuylaar


Well-Known Member
funny how i can spam this on every thread and it's meaning is not to be dilute on any particular thread:

"i could ask you the same however, when i post with citation in a debate, it's only fair to acknowledge rather than steam roll over and ignore the opinion". ~schuylaar
Teach Uncle Buck that and the forum will be impressed...


Well-Known Member
The “New Century Foundation” studies...
The New Century Foundation is an organization founded in 1994 known primarily for publishing American Renaissance. From 1994 to 1999 its activities received considerable funding by the Pioneer Fund,[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][3][/SUP] and has been described as a white supremacist group,[SUP][4][/SUP] which its founder, Jared Taylor, denies, calling it white separatist.

good job on citing white supremacists, unclebigot.

ya fucking dumbass.


Well-Known Member
you really think this would go any better in the south? there's that trademark delusion you racist righties are known for.
Move the penis closer to you then you might know dick.

For the Souf haters:

H.K. Edgerton

“This flag has nothing to do with hate,” Mr. Edgerton said of the starred red, white and blue St. Andrew’s Cross battle flag he carried. “It’s the flag of Southern heritage, black and white.”

It is not from blacks that he draws the most fire for his stance, Mr. Edgerton said, but from whites.
“Northern white people,” he said.

Mr. Edgerton's site:http://www.southernheritage411.com/


Well-Known Member
Move the penis closer to you then you might know dick.

For the Souf haters:

H.K. Edgerton

“This flag has nothing to do with hate,” Mr. Edgerton said of the starred red, white and blue St. Andrew’s Cross battle flag he carried. “It’s the flag of Southern heritage, black and white.”

It is not from blacks that he draws the most fire for his stance, Mr. Edgerton said, but from whites.
“Northern white people,” he said.

Mr. Edgerton's site:http://www.southernheritage411.com/
What is souf?


Well-Known Member
Move the penis closer to you then you might know dick.

For the Souf haters:

H.K. Edgerton

“This flag has nothing to do with hate,” Mr. Edgerton said of the starred red, white and blue St. Andrew’s Cross battle flag he carried. “It’s the flag of Southern heritage, black and white.”

It is not from blacks that he draws the most fire for his stance, Mr. Edgerton said, but from whites.
“Northern white people,” he said.

Mr. Edgerton's site:http://www.southernheritage411.com/
more "i have a black friend" idiocy from twostrokenut.

edgerton honestly tries to argue that the civil war had almost nothing to do with slavery.

review the declarations of the causes od secession and tell me that's true.


derp dee fucking der, historical revisionism is everywhere.


Well-Known Member
more "i have a black friend" idiocy from twostrokenut.
I have friends buck not "black friends" that's pretty fucking rude maybe had you been raised in a more civilized manner you wouldn't oooze of ignorant racist stupidity right now.

edgerton honestly tries to argue that the civil war had almost nothing to do with slavery.
Really? Where? Quote it.
He did not in that short article I linked on top where the quotes came from on the post.http://www.independentmail.com/news/2007/oct/25/black-confederate-says-he-marching-heritage/
He has not so far in his site http://www.southernheritage411.com/truehistory.shtml I linked but theres a TON there but not one title to that effect heres the titles in just ONE tab:

Links in the resources section the "black confederates" tab:

CLICK HERE for the Black Confederate Warriors Of Dixie blog.
Holt Collier Marker - Live Oak Cemetery, Greenville MS
When Rucker Called The Roll — A Soldier’s Story
Polk Arnold (Article originally posted December 2009 - updated March 2011)
A Tribute To The Man In Black
Black Confederate: A. D. Mitchell
Battle Of Griswoldville, Georgia
Diversity In The Confederate Armed Forces
Black Mississippi Legislator Defends Confederate Monument
Black Southerners In Confederate Gray
Amos Rucker - A Soldier Remembered
Black Confederate From North Carolina
The Case of David H. White and the First Emancipation Proclamation
Remembering Black Confederates
Black Confederates
Vignettes Of Black Confederates
The Black Confederates Experience
Muster Guard Of Native Roll II
Muster Guard Of Native Roll I
Their Story
Monuments Honor The Blacks Who Wore Gray
Robert E. Lee On Black Confederate Troops
Union Documentation On Black Confederates
First Negro Regiment
CSA Amendment For Negro Soldiers
Confederate Negro Enlistments
Black Southerners In Gray
Blacks Who Fought For The South
Black Confederates Fact Page
Blacks In Gray
Black Confederate Participation
Black Confederate Soldiers
Regimental History Outline
William Bugg, African American Confederate States Naval Officer
African-American Confederate Soldier Honored
The Chandler Boys
True Defiance
Monuments Honor The Blacks Who Wore Gray
The Real Forgotten Men
Quotations On Black Confederates
Acknowledging Black Confederates
Black Confederates Fact Page
Black Confederates Have Their Own Lesson To Teach
Were Blacks "Forced to Fight" for the Confederacy?
How Did Black Southerners Respond When War Was Declared?
Why Blacks Fought For The Confederate States Of America
The Valor Of Black Confederates
Twelve Reasons We Don't Believe In Black Confederates
Blacks Also Fought For Confederacy In Civil War
Did Blacks Serve In The C.S. Army? You Can Bet They Did!
The Forgotten Black Confederate Soldiers
Petersburg, Virginia Black Confederates
A Letter From A Black Confederate
Black Confederates Memorialized
On Black Confederates
The Fight For Equal Rights: Black Soldiers In The Civil War
Forgotten Confederates
The Black Troops Of The Civil War
Black Regiments In The American Civil War
Blacks Who Fought For The South
Black Americans In The Confederate Navy And Marine Corps
African-American Confederate Soldier To Be Honored (Richard Poplar)
"Ten Cent" Bill Yopp
'Uncle Bob', 112 Was Illinois' Oldest Vet
In Memorial, Henry "Dad" Brown, Black Confederate Drummer
Amos Rucker
Proud of Holt Collier and Greenville
Black Confederate Veteran To Get Proper Memorial At Blandford
Amos Rucker, Black Confederate
Uncle Lewis
The Passing Of Richard "Dick" Poplar
Richard "Dick" Poplar Day
History Of The Life Of William Mack Lee
The King Of Bridges (Horace King)
Horace King - Slave Turned Bridge Builder
Holt Collier - Mississippi
Confederate Headstone Dedication To Holt Collier

And thats just from one tab moron.
other tabs include
Black Confederates
Slave Narratives
True History

So what's more likely you just digested everything on the subject Matrix style or you're a dumbass that won't read anything outside your little bubble?

The latter is more likely.

review the declarations of the causes od secession and tell me that's true.


derp dee fucking der, historical revisionism is everywhere.
First cite where Edgerton "honestly tries to argue the civil war had almost nothing to do with slavery".
Even the part of your Unicorn "almost" means noone needs to read your rebuttal source.

derp dee derp dee