Qwixter by Mdanzig

yea i know it's bad luck, but i think there was some confusion, i typed a response about why i felt the genetics were unstable.
Basically 1 had a genetic mutation that caused buds to grow from the mainstem and looked like a retarded Bonzai tree while the 2nd was possibly diseased? as I couldnt get rid of rust patternings throughout growth that couldn't be removed.
The 3rd i posted pics of. it was the only one worth documentation

But if you are looking for dank i wouldnt rreccomend the s75 *cough cough* i mean s60.
It's just one person's opinion, folks

in response to the last post - i only have 2 phenos for the Qwixter. One looks like b.o.g.'s bubble while one looks more sativa-influenced with heavier flowers. I am new to the forums so I am sorry for the confusion..

got any pics of the dinafem?

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
You think his strain is unstable because you had 8/11 male? That's just bad luck. Nothing to do with anything else. Meanwhile the other variety of his you're growing has a short indica phenotype and a tall lanky sativa. That would be unstable.
most autoflowers are unstable, especially if they are regs seeds. But yea, you're right, m/fm ratio has absolutely nothing to do with stability and more to do with environment/stress.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
You think his strain is unstable because you had 8/11 male? That's just bad luck. Nothing to do with anything else. Meanwhile the other variety of his you're growing has a short indica phenotype and a tall lanky sativa. That would be unstable.
Yea i am starting to realize this quite quickly. It was my first run with autos
Autos life cycle is so brief that its difficult to breed uniformity into the strains. Ive had many males, some were worthy others arent. I keep their pollen in jars and put them in my fridge, i have 2 thus far that i want to test but with this next batch of eighty + i expect to find even better males. I look for the fruity resinous and vigorous males. Everything else is culled, then from there, the males that produce tight and thick clusters of pollen sacks are further selected, very few will have resin produced on these clusters, theseare the males that i save pollen from. I take a brush and dampen it a bit, and use their pollen on multiple females and see which female/male combination makes the finest offspring and this takes months, dedicated almost all my space to this effort, only other flowering plant ihave is a mekong ghaze


Well-Known Member
You think his strain is unstable because you had 8/11 male? That's just bad luck. Nothing to do with anything else.
For what its worth, the chance of flipping a coin 11 times and ending up with "tails" 8 times or more is about 11%.

So, no matter what the breeder, you'd expect this outcome roughly once every nine packs of ceeds, and the more packs you grow out, the more likely you are to eventually draw one that gives you only 3 females out of 10 or 11.

Autos life cycle is so brief that its difficult to breed uniformity into the strains.
Not "difficult" in an intellectual sense, just more work. Lacking the ability to maintain mother plants for cloning takes a number of "tools" out of the toolbox (like backcrossing). But remember, historically speaking almost all breeding (of everything, not just cannabis) was done without the ability to do this. The historical "old school" way of breeding is, grow field of plants, open pollinate, retain ceeds from best few for next year's grow, repeat. This isn't quite as "focused" as doing selections for males and females, but it does keep lines sharp over years.

I think the reason many of the autos suck is because most "breeders" aren't.

They take their favorite strain, cross it to an auto, then recross the offspring for only enough generations until the autoflowering part. . . but nothing else. . .appears stable. Then, with appropriate fanfare, they release these half-assed "mutts" as "strains". They're not doing selections from large numbers of plants, and they're not working the lines out to the end.

If you want to create quality stable (ie inbred) lines, you have to take them to at least an F7. With 75 day auto plants, that's effectively a full two year project, assuming you do it correctly. If you want the final product to be GOOD, you have to start with the best genetics, and also do intensive selection, which means large numbers of plants, at least though F3-F4 or so.

with this next batch of eighty + i expect to find even better males
And that's how you have to do it.

Too bad you can only choose from eighty! At least with autos you can keep plant size down a bit.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
I ran another 90 and then 30 but the thirty were eaten at seedling stage by a freak grasshopper infestation, set me back a few weeks. Still got about 150 seeds left but i dont think i'll need them, ive grown enough to see what i want in the males but the females are whats difficult to determine, as i have to stress test them prior to pollination to garuntee they arent herm prone an dcan take stress well, this of course leads to greater disorder in my grow area but i guess thats what comes withth eterritory
Also it makes a huge difference if u have a proper stable enviornment. If ur grow room is perfect growing conditions u have a greater percentage of getting females. And by perfect growing conditions i mean a sealed enviornment with an hps that has the proper ventilation of hot air outtake and cool air intake with a temp of 75-77 degrees and a humidity between 20-40% depending on flower or veg stage

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
Its 70-79 degrees F. In my tent lights on and like 55 lights off. I dont mind all the males, in fact im looking for the very kiefiest sweet peach smelling male with purple genetics, like th edesired female pheno ive found in my last few harvests, when things get serious ill start a journal.


Active Member
Why would the spectrum have anything to do with sex??? Sorry but that just seems like a wives tale or something. If im wrong please inform me scientifically why that happens. If you just heard it somewhere, dont bother posting anymore. Please and thank you.


Well-Known Member
Why would the spectrum have anything to do with sex??? Sorry but that just seems like a wives tale or something. If im wrong please inform me scientifically why that happens. If you just heard it somewhere, dont bother posting anymore. Please and thank you.
Believe it or not, cannabis sex selection is still not completely understood.

Unlike with most species where sexual expression is almost entirely determined by chromosomes, some people think that environmental conditions play a significant role in cannabis sexual expression. More simply, under different circumstances, they believe that the same ceed could potentially make all male or all female flowers.

Its certainly true that under NORMAL conditions, most wild "female" cannabis plants will make male flowers, particularly late in their flowering cycles, and its also true that a variety of environmental stresses can cause this to be true (temperature, light, nutritional, etc). Every female cannabis plant has the genetic potential to male flowers, and I don't think anyone disputes this.

The question, is whether or not you can alter absolute male/female ratios by controlling temperature, humidity, etc. Can you get genetically "female" ceeds to make only male flowers (or vice versa)? I'm actually pretty skeptical about this, but I don't know the truth, but some people definitely believe that you can, including the Dutch Passion ceed company:



New Member
I was also looking for quixter's how can I get a hold of some of quixter's beans I ha e heard alot about them if you have any information on where I could get some beans would be appreciated thank you


New Member
How's everybody doing this evening I am interested in some quixter's if anyone has any information please let me know looking for some beans heard alot about quixter's would like to try them out