quitting for 18 weeks


Well-Known Member
well everyone what really sucks is I have to get it through my head that I can't smoke for the next 18 weeks. I probably will though and just end up ordering synthetic urine but that gets pricey after 18 weeks lol.

So how the hell do you quit?

I smoke when I wake up to get motivated for work and work hard.

Then I smoke at lunch to get re-motivated for the rest of the day

I then smoke when I come home from work to relax

Then again before dinner

And again before bed.

If I dont smoke I'm not motivated, not relaxed when I get home, not even hungry to eat dinner, and can't go to sleep well.



Well-Known Member
you no someone's with a baby.. ask them for the baby's urine...

:) they use poty's so you can poor it easy into a bowl.... or a cup..


Good luck...... hope you can quit smoking for the good ...


Well-Known Member
after 2 weeks youll feel fine and start to notice your senses will be enhanced its wierd . i quit for a year and then found out i would never be drug tested at my job so i dove right back into the pool headfirst.

mr j2

Well-Known Member
You'll probably feel a little sick the first week and have a lot of headaches and be easily annoyed. It will probably go away after the first two weeks and you'll be fine after that as long as you can control yourself. Just keep telling yourself that you CAN'T smoke and think about how great the high will be after the 18 weeks. Also, try to not be around it at all. If you have some at home give it away or smoke it (or sell it shh). You can't smoke if you have nothing to smoke. I smoke 1-5 times a day usually and have absolutely no self-control when it comes to drugs (which is why I try to stick with weed). It'd be a bitch the first few days if I had to quit. So.. good luck to ya:joint:


Well-Known Member
well everyone what really sucks is I have to get it through my head that I can't smoke for the next 18 weeks. I probably will though and just end up ordering synthetic urine but that gets pricey after 18 weeks lol.

So how the hell do you quit?

I smoke when I wake up to get motivated for work and work hard.

Then I smoke at lunch to get re-motivated for the rest of the day

I then smoke when I come home from work to relax

Then again before dinner

And again before bed.

If I dont smoke I'm not motivated, not relaxed when I get home, not even hungry to eat dinner, and can't go to sleep well.

I'm with you, smoking pot is my motivator as well. luckily I don't have to quit. Good Luck!!8)