Quite possibly dumbest thought Ive had


Well-Known Member
This is hypothetical question. The younger idiots in my area have discovered the spray and drops that people use to ruin good weed or try to make shwag taste like blueberry or whatever. What do you all think would happen if i took a syringe put some in and injected it into stem by nuggets during last stage of flowering? I think ill ruin a great plant or maybe itll mutate and stick me with syringes. Any one ever thought up this kind of retardation before?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i've herd of growers watering with different floavors. i will never do it. if i want fruit i go to the store and buy fruit

Krayven Sumhead

Well-Known Member
Sounds like something Ron Popeil would do. He's the guy that injects those veggies and shit into pieces of meat.
He also invented the 'Pocket Fisherman'....(I own one of those from back in the day)..........You might be onto something there..............Hope you have more than one plant in case it doesn't work.


Well-Known Member
Kind of like injecting the turkey the day before cooking....or marinating your meat? Hrmmmmmm :confused:


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt try it..b.c when u think just common sense that shits made with acids and shit different typers of chemicals and shit that im sure ur plant doesnt need...i have heard of the flavored water thing but idk i just think to inject some shit into ur buds to make them better is stupid...if u know have a proper grow set up and a decent lighting and have a sense or what ur doing u can grow some decent buds to cure the buds is where the hardest part comes in ..u can let a plant grow for 8 months and then when cureing comes u can fuck it up in 5 seconds...i wouldnt rish it personally i think it should send the plant into shock maybe the roots would start growing upwards too and ur plants going to die...


Well-Known Member
i know its dumb man honestly i wouldnt do it i jus wanted to see if ne one has tried it. i did analisys of "Gheto Grape" a drop sent the ph off the scale. MOre then likely tho what would happen is because liquid that would be injects is not sterilized i would rot the bud from inside out. The sprays incorporate alcohol so commen sense dictates dont put alcohol in my plants. I am well aware of the problems of the curing process my partner decided to mold half of our first harvest.
I wouldnt try it..b.c when u think just common sense that shits made with acids and shit different typers of chemicals and shit that im sure ur plant doesnt need...i have heard of the flavored water thing but idk i just think to inject some shit into ur buds to make them better is stupid...if u know have a proper grow set up and a decent lighting and have a sense or what ur doing u can grow some decent buds to cure the buds is where the hardest part comes in ..u can let a plant grow for 8 months and then when cureing comes u can fuck it up in 5 seconds...i wouldnt rish it personally i think it should send the plant into shock maybe the roots would start growing upwards too and ur plants going to die...


Well-Known Member
It's an interesting idea. I was ready to shoot it down but remembered an experiment we did at school where we put a white flower into a glass with some food dye in it. Hey presto... food dye appears in the petals of the flower. The same could be true for the flowers of cannabis. Although, you'd be safer just feeding them with some strong solution a few days before harvest. If you jab a syringe into the stem, first of all, you won't be able to inject much into it because the tissue is so dense, it's not like fat or muscle that will move out of the way. You're also going to wreck a large number of the xylem tubes that carry the water up the plant by exposing them to the atmosphere.

You can imagine the inside of the plant as begin lots of tall drainpipes stood in a swimming pool of water. They literally suck up water when a pump up at the top comes on (for plants, the pump is evaporation at the leaves, transpiration). If you drill a hole in the drainpipes down near the swimming pool, they're going to suck in a huge amount of air through the holes and not lift the really heavy water up. If you drill into the cluster of them with a 3" hole saw, which is what your syringe blade would be to the pipes in the plant, you'll cut right through them.

So yeah, I'd go with putting it in the water.

But really, I think you'd be saving yourself time and money and increasing the strength of the flavor if you just water cured the buds in solution containing it, or sprayed it on and air dried.

Be WELL aware that some flavorings may contain sugars and other sweeteners that bacteria and mold will love to eat; potentially wrecking your green.

Personally, even when I smoke blunts rolled from those flavored leaves I can't really taste what it's meant to be all that well. The green is usually the strongest taste by far. I've used flavored rolling papers before. They weren't great, they just made it taste artificially sweet on my lips, nothing special.

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
I am sorry but I just don't get it. Why? Just to make'em "look" or "smell" good? I guess it must be a "youth" thing. I was always under the impression that people smoke cannabis for the medical value or for the buzz not for the color but thats just me. My herb tastes and looks better than any artificial ingrediant you could add but again, thats just me.

Anyway, maybe I can wrap my mind around that if I could understand the reason. Good luck with your science project and please, show pics. It may help those of us that find your idea a bit off the wall to understand. :eyesmoke:


Active Member
If you want it to taste like blueberry why not just buy some high grade fem seeds and grow it? I think you will probably F up your grow if you inject the plant with anything but, thats just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
I think people are just messing around with it for the novelty factor and perhaps to also make it more appealing to those that aren't used to smoking.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah.... you wouldn't want to stab holes in the main stem of your plants if you plan on vegging and reflowering. You'd need the hole to be higher up than where you'd cut the plant back to, so it'd be gone when you put it back into the cycle. Having a syringe sized hole in the stem, or more than one, when it reflowers would just be asking for failure; disease, mechanical failure of the stem, shit nutrient and water uptake... etc....