Quick Tips for Quality, Dense, Well-Formed Buds?


Thanks for taking a look at this thread. Hopefully you will have some tips or a link for me to follow.

I am growing some Purple Kush, Bubba Kush, and Purple Urkle. I grow indoor and have 8 plants total under a 400W HPS. I use Fox Farm - Tiger Bloom. They are all doing really well and I just put them into FLOWER.

I am obviously looking to get quality, dense, well-formed buds. Are there any GENERAL tips or suggestions you might be able to offer me to ensure a good harvest?

Thank You....


Well-Known Member
Too many to mention but humbolt county's own gravity hardener as well as purple maxx, these both bring ur colour out and harden ur buds


Well-Known Member
Canna product called boost foliar feed on 3rd week of flowering and follow directions on bottle, this stuff works and is organic.


Well-Known Member
quit worrying about ph, haven't checked mine in 6 months, just read your plants, they will tell u what they need also, use molasses, works great!! good luck!

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
Get a light meter and try to get the buds to have at least 10,000 Lumens of light and they will be alot denser than if they have less than that. Having dense buds also depends on the type of plant your growing. Sativa's are REALLY hard to make dense. Lighting helps a lot. As for getting even more out of it. There are plenty of bloom stimulating products to use. I don't ever use them so all I know is they exist.


Thanks....I actually need to keep an eye on PH (I think). I started to develop reddish / brown spots near the veins on my plants, then they got worse and they became large brown dead spots, and on some leaves the edges turned brown and curled up. I figured I had a bit of a deficiency somewhere, but thought it was due to PH lockout. Any other ideas?


I found sooo much on molasses on this site, everything but a simple formula or method of use. That would be appreciated. Thanks


Right on Blazed Hippie, that's good info for me. I was kinda looking for more "practice" or "method" type suggestions like yours.