Quick seedling question. These look normal?


I'm probably just worrying too much, but better to be safe. This is my first grow.2012-09-07 18.08.16.jpg2012-09-07 18.07.45.jpg

The leaves on these are like curling and stuff. Normal?


Well-Known Member
First one looks good. Second one is having issues.

Not a soiler. Sorry.

oops I see they're both the same seedling. Again, not a soil grower, but it looks locked-out due to overfeeding.

I've also heard a lot of people who give soil advice say, "That soil looks really black and wet. Do you have drain holes?"


They're different cups, different seedlings. I haven't fed them anything. Just whatever is in the dirt (Jungle Growth soil) and then i'm using tap water that I leave sitting out for a day.


I took a box cutter and cut lines down the side of each cup all the way around before I planted.. plus a few cuts on the bottom.. I'm thinking slits aren't good enough, and they need to be bigger holes... as if the dirt it clogging the slits I made or something. Idk


Well-Known Member
Oh, ok. Then the first seedling is doing great. The second one is having issues. Yeah, they need drain holes, not slits. Better drainage should help your situation.

Oh, look at me giving soil advice. Should I be doing this? Lol.


Well-Known Member
I don't know, it looks like it's starting to feed on the cotyledons to support its new growth. That's a sign that the roots aren't absorbing what the plant needs.

But if OP decides to go with "it looks fine," there's nothing I can do about that.


They all under the same light as well. 2nd one is closer to the 40w cfl than first. No HPS or MH bulbs, just CFL (for now).

How should I make holes without causing stress? The bottoms of them solo cups are pretty strong.

Also, how far away should the 40w be? It puts off quite a bit more heat than the 23w ones I have in there also.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, if you can. Do that.

Once you have water running through your holes, it should be better.