quick question


Active Member
so am going to do this process for germination.
1. put inside cup of water
2. then paper towel and plate making sure to wet paper towels every 6 hours
3.should germinate then plant in soil

what i want to ask is should i take out the seed from the cup right after it falls to the bottom or should i wait 12 hours?


bud bootlegger
not all seeds will sink ime.. some people say the ones that don't sink won't germ, but i'm not sure about that one tbh..

it is possible though to drown a seed in water if left for too long, so i'd only leave it in like you have planned, 12 hours or over night or w/e, but not much longer than that..

you shouldn't really need to re-wet the napkins every six hours ime, you'll just want them damp, not soaking wet..

also, if you put them some where warm, like for instance, on the top of the fridge, or cable box, that will help germ.. 80f is about optimal temps for germination..


Well-Known Member
personally I just put my seeds directly into a wet jiffy pellet or soil and let nature do its thing. most other methods are mostly for checking if the seeds are viable before planting them, if your seeds came from a reputable breeder then 90% chance they will germ this way. if using bag seed id try the paper towel method


Well-Known Member
Keep them in the dark too. Roots only grow good in the dark. And if the seed doesn't fall to the bottom that doesn't mean its not good. Means its very strong and sealed seed well developed and will just take a lot longer then normal to germ.


The first time I tried that plate thing in a warm place I came back to find the paper towels dry as a bone. I put them in a Tupperware type container in a warm dark area and had them germinate sucessfully.


Active Member
okay nice put them in a Tupperware cause the drying thing happened to me to i was like wtf. Also guys ive spent all my money on equipments so am going to use a mcdonalds coke cup as a pot
if i cover the inside with tinfoil will it do any damage to the seeds?
personally I just put my seeds directly into a wet jiffy pellet or soil and let nature do its thing. most other methods are mostly for checking if the seeds are viable before planting them, if your seeds came from a reputable breeder then 90% chance they will germ this way. if using bag seed id try the paper towel method
Agreed. I'm on my first run and I planted 8 seeds directly into the soil using Mandala's germ method. 8/8 popped up within 4 days.

Keep it simple.



New Member
personally I just put my seeds directly into a wet jiffy pellet or soil and let nature do its thing. most other methods are mostly for checking if the seeds are viable before planting them, if your seeds came from a reputable breeder then 90% chance they will germ this way. if using bag seed id try the paper towel method
Fresh seed will root quite easily and a jiffy is the perfect environment, If you have older seeds or your not sure then soaking them for 12-24hrs will soften the shell and allow for an easier time of it. If your seeds are years old you may have to score the surface of the seed with an emery board or piece of sand paper to allow absorbsion. I have seeds 10+ years old that the only way to germinate them is to score the shell then put in water until they show roots, most people give up and say their done...but are they?


Active Member
thank you very much for your answer but i have another quick question. if i put the paper towels in an airtight Tupperware container will i still need to use paper plates?


Well-Known Member
please dont use a mcdonalds cup for a pot.... im sure if you walked around your neighbourhood you'd find one and if not save up 2 bucks and go to the dollar store...


Well-Known Member
if you put them in the tuppaware you dont need to use plates but you do need paper towel. the paper makes a nice warm, moist pouch for the seed to grow in. like others have said, stick the seed in the soil and you will be fine

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
IDK why new growers use paper towels at all. I think it actually hinders the process and I have tried it. I also think only in cannabis culture is the paper towel method even used. It's another myth that needs to be dispelled.