Quick question for you gurus...


So my timer somehow failed and left my flower lights on until i got home and noticed they were still on. They were on for a total on 15 hrs last night. What should I do? Resume my normal schedule (9 am to 9 pm), or leave em in darkness for tonight and resume my normal schedule tomorrow night? I've never had this happen, and don't want to shock my girls too badly, or at all for that matter. Oh yeah, they are different strains and are from 6 days into flower, all the way up to 52 days. I can provide more info if need.

Thx in advance dudes,
Since someone asked this question 3 threads up I just copy and pasted my response since it still applies.

A few minutes of light during a dark period wont send them back to veg but what it will do is erase all the progress of that day towards the total days of flowering. In other words you cant count it towards the total. You will be fine to just resume flowering light cycles as normal but you may possibly get a few hermie flowers due to mixing up the plants internal clock. If you fully decide to revert back to veg you will still get those hermies from when the cycle was broke so my advice to you is to stay in the flowering cycle as usual. Good luck


Cool, thx for the quick responses quys, Sorry I didn't do more research before posting a new thread, but I panicked. Thx again.


Well-Known Member
What's really a shame, is that we see this question (in one form or another) over and over again, week in and week out out. But that's not the shame! The shame is that we never hear back from the people who had the timer mal-function in the first place, to give us an up-date on what actually happened and how it turned out.

Remember people, it's all about sharing information (not just asking questions!).


Well, I will try to break the mold and post an update or two. I cant promise it will be very timely, as i do smoke marijuana periodically throughout the day.


So it's been approx. a wk. since my timer failed and left my flower lights on for an additional 3 hours. I have yet to see any adverse affects. No early signs of hermie, the girls never showed any evidence of stress either. May still be too early to tell if the were affected. I'll try to post another update in a wk. or so. May try to get some pics up as well.