quick lighting question (sun + CFL)


Active Member
If I place my plant (sprout right now) under CFLs at night and leave it in the sun during the day is that okay? I'm not doing some strange mixing of light that will turn it into oregano or something am I? The thought is that if I keep it under 24-0 light for growth I might as well save some cash and use a better light by keeping it under the sun for a hours out of the day.

thanks for your help!

tambien- hay una version del foro o algo completo como este aca en otra pagina, en espanol? gracias!


Well-Known Member
I dont think it'd be bad for it, sunlight is the best anyways :P

But would this be like in a window, or actually outside, cause you'll need to watch out for temperature variations.


Well-Known Member
whats the weather like?

if its too hot then id keep it in the shade.

i was also thinking about this. but since my garden is kinda been over looked i decided against it.

ill keep an eye on this for the answer coz i wish i could save some electric as well :p



Active Member
thanks-- yeah, I'm in south america so it gets a bit cold during the day but the sun is strong enough that i think it's okay in the mini green house dome i put over the plant and dirt (ie a soda bottle cut in half).

I was thinking about stretching though-- would it stretch more/less having it out in the sun? If the sun is stronger than my 45w CFL (i'm pretty sure it is) then it would stretch less (towards 'needing light') than it would just under the CFL itself. That would seem like the only drawback to me-- so far it looks good though. Pics to come!


Well-Known Member
Oh the suns alot stronger lol. If its a sunny often, it will make it stretch less than it would with the CFL.