

Well-Known Member
no .. but if you can get her in the ground she will love you for it .. and you will love the size she get and yield she will give ..


Well-Known Member
So my first plant just started to flower. Am i supposed to do anything like trim it, flush it, or topp it??
Not a lot to trim there, flush in the last two weeks if you have been feeding her, too late to top in my opinion. Get her in a bigger pot or in the ground if your not chasing the sun round your garden. Good luck - you still have many weeks until harvest.


Beauty. Definitely don't top it, you only do that when it's in VEG. Put her in the ground and watch her explode!


fox farm ocean forrest soil and no you should have a nice root mass built up by now... just give it a lil water in themorning so that it is still slightly moist in the evening and it will slide right out... either a larger pot or ground... your preference... they both have advantages/disadvantages...


Active Member
pro: unlimited growth potential.

con: can't move the plant once it's in the ground

also... if you keep it in the smaller pot it will become rootbound...

by having it in a smaller pot the roots don't have room to spread out naturally and will eventually grow together into a big mass of root, choking itself.


with the size of your plants pots are def still an alright option tho, espicially this late in the year. what are those that you have them in now like 2 gallon? but either option will work... another con of ground is the possibility of bugs as well as wallower critters... moles, etc... some more cons are that nutes dont get leached away as easy... happy growin


Well-Known Member
in the ground is N0.1 for sure .. no doubt ..

View attachment 2291399

only reason to keep a plant in a pot outdoors is for security (if you need to take it in at night)

or in the start if you have a littel night frost or dont want to plant a small seedling out before its is bigger and stronger .. and can take bad wether aso.

beside that pots are for indoors growing ..

its not wort it in my oppinion to "chase" sun around your garden ..
I would anyday choose a plant in the ground who get 5 hrs of direct sun .. then a plant in a 10 gallon pot you move around and get 10 hrs sun ..

and it will mostlikely just stress the plant to constandly move it around .. insted .. find a nice corner with mid day sun (unless its very hot then go for morning/evening sun)

and in the ground or in a pot .. if ther are bugs .. they will get to it .. even indoor growers get them .. so that is no reason for not putting it in the ground ..


yeah... if you were trying to grow some trees def ground had endless opportunity but with that you got, 5 gallon are just fine. i have seen pics of plants 6-7 ft tall and several feet wide in 10 gallons. you are in no danger of becoming rootbound by switching to 5 gallons


Well-Known Member
when I grew outdoors .. I started my plants in 1 gallon pots .. inside under a T8 fixture .. in april .. when we still had a bit of night frost ..
so I had nice strong healthy seedlings ready for the ground in may/june when I knew night frost was over ..