Questions for Actual Users of Subcool's Super Soil


Active Member
I'm a first-time grower, using FFOF mix and nutes. Things are going well so far (3rd week veg). For my next (second) grow, I'd like to try Subcool's Super Soil mix. While I suspect it is a great mix, I would like to hear results from real users.

1. Does it really produce hydro-like results (in terms of yield and potency)?

2. Does it really require only watering for the lifetime of the plant (veg and flowering)? No nutes? Nothing but water?

Water only will depend on strain, pot size, and veg time. Heavy feeders, smaller pots, or long veg times may require some additional feeding towards the end of the grow. This isn't from my experience(yet) as I'm still a few weeks from transfering into my first ss grow, but from all my research and strait from Sub's mouth from a couple of his vids. Nothing in this hobby is a Guarantee.

As far as hydro like, there's no comparison between organic soil and hydro.


Well-Known Member
Whos Subcool? all i know is a well researched organic soil/less medium with properlt made compost teas will produce hydroponic results as far as speed and yeild depending on pot size and other nutrient used including the possibilities of inorganic. from what i understand subcools soil is just the basic low nute organic soil/less soil that anyone can make with the proper research. now about getting hydroponic results, yeah you can get them if you understand every aspect going into your grow and how to use them, soil compost, teas, microbes, air temps, co2 , ect. on my end using almost all nutrients and my own tailor made soil from careful research in the addition to to co2 and all natural hormone treatments (seaweed extract and coconut milk) i can get 1oz a plant in a 2x4x4(21 plants in 1 gal pots) under 2 400watts


Active Member
If made right then all u need is water. Alot of people skip one or two things but that makes all the diff. You will see how the plant is supossed to grow with all the ness nutes it needs amd wants. Itll bring out the true colors if you keep the temps in the sweet spot.
Also you might not perfect the ss on the first time like many other nute line ups ull need practice but after 2 or 3 grows you should be able to know how much ss to topsoil or if your plants like extra whatever.
Pickup sum of his strains and usethe ss and i can promise younwont be dissapointed. Im waiting to use ss again when i can do a perpetual grow. Got 3 strains of subs looking to get more!! Haha plus he seems like one of the few breeders who puts alot of work in his strains and a true pot head. Decent prices also.


Active Member
I use 1 -2 gallon pots currently for Auto's with the supersoil.
I add cal-mag pretty frequently, a little Liquid Karma here and there, and some sweet or molasses.
Beneficial teas I also use to keep the soil live and active. (EWC,Ancient Forest,Molasses,Mycogrow Soluble,) and either a bit of maxicrop or cytoplus sometimes)
If early yellowing starts, some fishtank water, or a topping of superoil, or a tea with alfalfa meal, or 1-2 feedings of Nature Nectars (5-0-0) Nitrogen works for me. These are for the heavy feeders.
I also use Hygrozyme from time to time, and HP2 for my bud booster. Remember auto's are sensitive to nutes.

With the new recipe for this year he has, I doubt that cal-mag should be an issue in the future with the slight changes and additions he made.

Ammending with tea's should get you buy, I would do it all the time and save on the other nutes, but I cannot always make the tea's at this time
so a quick solution mix I of the additives I have works for now.

To be honest cal-mag and maybe a topping of soil later for me would get me buy, but I push my girls a bit and they like it. I run a 10 week from seed to harvest auto Snowryder (f) x Russian Rocket Fuel (m), start flush at 8 weeks, harvest at 10 weeks with white ash clean tasty smoke after the proper dry and cure. All done in a closet under t-5's 420 watts total Avg. 3/4-1 oz. per 1 gallon, 2-2.5 oz. per 2 gallon. 1/2 lb.+ per harvest due to 6 plant legal limit. Easily could get more if license permitted. $20-$25 month electricity used.

All in all very happy with the results very crystally, potent, tasty, and higher than avg. yields per strain quote on seed bank info.

I can't wait to get back into bigger pots and space to run some tga strains in some supersoil the way it was ment to be used.

He's finally got a mix coming out soon called The Green Avenger (supersoil flower base) used with Down To Earth's Pro Organic Mix as the top mix, it was on his last tube show where he talks about it, posted last night.

Here are a few photo's, had some heat issues, someone kept turning the heater up.

