Questions about Light Stress

I've been wondering just what exactly constitutes light stress, and with a power outage hitting recently, it seems like a good time to get some answers.

Obviously we all know you can't shine a flash light on your plants or otherwise interrupt the dark cycle, but there are lots of other situations I'd like to get clarity on.

For instance:

  • If I keep my veg plants on a 24 hour light cycle does it hurt them if I turn the lights off for short periods of time? Is irregular light a problem during veg?

  • When I lost power it was one hour before the end of the light cycle for my blooming plants, so when I started the lights for the next cycle they'd had more than 12 hours of darkness. I assume that's OK, but I decided to use the occasion to make the "lights on" time half an hour earlier. Should I have stuck to the original time?

  • I've got a green LED head lamp so I can spray my blooming plants and do other work during the night cycle. Do you trust those lights? I've noticed not all the LEDs are the same hue of green, with one in particular looking slightly blueish. I find it hard to believe no PAR light is emitted.

  • How is a plant effected by light stress? I assume blooming would be interrupted or delayed, but can it also make leaves show signs of stress that would look like an insect/disease or nutrient disorder?