

Active Member
So before I start a grow journal and post a bunch of pics...just out of curiousity...what would stop someone from FBI, DEA,AtF, or whatever from simply logging on here, browsing around, trace or in some way capture IP adresses and simply show up at my doorstep? Question is spurred from numerous threads ive followed on here where they were they were like on the final week before harvest and next post they're saying sorry guys got my door kicked in game over for me. Just looking for some reassurnce before i become active on this website because truth be told..I need you guys. And I need feedback and opinions so long as no one bites my head off cause Ill say up front im a newbie who dont know his ass from last tuesday when it comes to this type of thing. holla


Well-Known Member
are you serious? their not gonna bust down your door for a couple personnal use grows. if you owned a warehouse and came on here planning to supply a state then you could worry. otherwise were all to small time for them to bother. plus this is just a forum for weed. its not a heroin forum or sumthin. ppl dont come on here tryin to make huge drug deals or nuthin. pretty much its just an informational forum on growing weed.


Well-Known Member
also we could be from anywhere there is no way they are gonna use all the time to pinpoint somewhere when we could live in ansterdam or something, or to be honest any other country where they have no power in


Active Member
ok well i guess im just naturally paranoid but thanks for the info. Im not particularly worried about my little 5 seed purchase (for now) per say but just wonderin if they could if they wanted too....but thanks for shedding alittle light for me