

New Member
I am a first time grower and my 2 plants(bag seed) that survived a noobie grow are outdoors in pots.

I have looked at my buds under 100x microscope and the top buds trichomes are almost all cloudy with the pistils receding yet the buds lower down the trichomes are clear with white pistils. Where I live the weather stinks and we are having 35-40 F overnight lows and 55-60 F daytime highs with a huge amount of nonstop rain and damp weather coming up the cost.

My question is, is it possible to harvest the top buds now, and if,will the plant still continue and finish the lower buds that are smaller and less mature?

Like I said I am new, and want to at least get a little reward for all my work


Well-Known Member
Yes you have the right idea. Harvest the top buds when they are fat and heavy and the pistils are shriveled and receded. The remainder can be harvested later. You can cover the plants with a tarp if it rains. It will also protect them from a light frost.


New Member
Thanks Danny! With only 2 plants surviving and be so close to completion I am just scared that something would go drastically wrong at the last minute and lose it all. Also I live in a city of 150,000. It's an outdoor grow and worried about entitled neighbors or hood rats stealing my stash