Question: Which additive next?


Well-Known Member
Which next???

Flower/Bloom Additives

Diamond Nectar
Floralicious Grow
Floralicious Bloom
FloraNectar Liquid KoolBloom

I'm flowering now, and am already adding Diamond Nectar and Liquid Kool Bloom when instructed by GH online Nutrient Calculator, but what should I purchase next? I can only afford one at a time...

I want to get what will be most beneficial to the overall quality, but I'd like to know what would give me more quantity also.

Any insight would be kick-ass!!!


Well-Known Member
Floralicious bloom IMO, Its the whole enchilada for flowering all the way through the whole cycle. IMO you can stop the diamond nectar at this point.


Well-Known Member
I use
Flora Nova Grow
Flora Nova Bloom
Diamond Nectar
Floraliciouse Plus
Kool Bloom

It look like you have everything that you need
I use the Floraliciouse Plus as a Foliair Spray also
I was using the diamond nectar also as a spray.
seemed like some good results, more odor, flavor.

I's see about the Liquid light by dutch master
you use it with soem other stuff i forgot, but
I heard it was some good shit.