- Planning on a little bus ride around 4:20pm from North Carolina to Colorado Springs, Colorado =]

* Anyone have any good ideas on how and where i can stash my Medicine..
- Also, i have the resources to make any smell not smell, so give me all your best ideas :)

Thanks, Sir Lance-A-Lot


Well-Known Member
Food vacuum seal bag inbetween your clothes in your suitcase.
If you're not taking a suitcase, just a small carry on, or big computer bag and stick it in a zipper compartment.
I've never heard of any 'inspection', but they do check the storage compts. for smelly stuff..........
I had a dumb chick try and send me some Greyhound, and she wrapped the shit in foil in case they x-rayed the package and put it in an envelope.
Then she calls to tell me the tracking number and everything, tells how she wrapped it, and I said "You stupid FUCK, what about the SMELL??????????"
Needless to say I called and checked to make sure it was there, and when they said 'sure......... come on down and pick it up.......'
I said fuck it and just kissed the 400 bucks as a learning experience.


Well-Known Member
Depends how much medicine you are talking, if its a small amount I would suggest keeping it on your person or in the overhead compartment.


Well-Known Member
It's a greyhound, my experience is that nobody gives a fuck. It's reasonable that you may even see a crackhead try to smoke some crack on the bus. Keep it in your bag, don't advertise it, and you'll likely be fine. I've never seen a drug dog or bag inspection in a greyhound station personally. I don't know if out of state is any different, but I doubt it.


New Member
I traveled on Grey Hound and Indian Trails Bus's for years and always carried at minimal an ounce with me .. This was always carried upon me and or at my side hidden within a small carry on bag or case .. I never had any issues and often I would smoke with a bat and box while awaiting transfers , but my bat was one that looked like a cigg from a distance lol .. Always make sure to wash your hands before boarding the bus if you have been smoking . Being Cautious will help much and offer you safe journey's ..

Edit : There are a few stink proof luggage bags now on the market with carbon liners , these add even more security .. Check this Backpack out , its perfect for travels and will hold a few pounds ..


Well-Known Member
It's a greyhound, my experience is that nobody gives a fuck. It's reasonable that you may even see a crackhead try to smoke some crack on the bus. Keep it in your bag, don't advertise it, and you'll likely be fine. I've never seen a drug dog or bag inspection in a greyhound station personally. I don't know if out of state is any different, but I doubt it.
Heh heh,I had friends that would even snort a bit on trips.
Kinda hard to tell the driver to keep steady so you don't spill your line.