Question on THE CFL LIGHT WORLD......

What it is rollitup ppl.. I have these 2 CFL lights which are 2700K 60 watts each and i was just woundering if they were to high or low. Also do have pic to show off my girly also if its to low will it burn or not



Well-Known Member
fill the pot up as much as you can cover up as much of the stem as you can in doing that.
it stretched quite a bit.
you need to get at min 4000+k for effective veg.
get a few daylight bulbs (6500K)
save the 2700 for flowering

and are those 60watt equivalent?? looks like it get some actual 30w + bulbs


Active Member
It wont burn, you can even move it a little bit closer. If you have proper ventilation, CFL's dont get that hot.


Well-Known Member
Yea, What is the actual Wattage on thos bulbs?
get some 6500k for Vegging. will help alot.

What's up with the bottle? please explain. :-)


Well-Known Member
ya u need 5000k to 6500k for veg and 2700k for flower she is streatching way to much u dont want that move ur lights closer dont be scared on mine i have it pretty much touching on some parts of the plant and still no burns. i think the water bottle is a home made co2 but seems clear not sure but good luck... check out my link 2 grows both cfl start to end