Question on perpetual dwc scrog


Hey everybody, i tried posting a topic on a different page and got no response so help would be really appreciated.

What my set-up is going to look like is a 4x4 tent with a 600w lumatek and sun systems hood. I'm planning on having 4+ plants in a cloner, 4 in a veg space, and the main tent with 4 plants in scrog with 5 gallon bucket DWC.

So my question is, how would i transfer plants into the flower tent and into the screen?
Or would this idea be too difficult because of all the water changes i would have to do with a screen attachment?
Should i do individual screens on each bucket?(2x2 screens attached to the lid)



I looked into doing what you are talking about but ended up forgetting about it cause it looked like it was going to end up being too much trouble. I'm sure it can be done ok but it just didn't seem worth it to me.


Active Member
make individual screens on the bucket lids. then just transfer the lids into the flower space. It seems like alot of work, but you can cut it in half by using a larger plastic tote and 2 plants in each. I hope you understand what I mean by this.. I can assure you that it works great. word to the wise: if youre using the bigger totes then let them sit on coasters (small wooden frame with wheels) That way you can minimize the mess from the move. so ever 4-6 weeks your bring in 2 more. give it a go