Question on obtaining a RED CARD.


Well-Known Member
Hello I will be moving to Colorado next year and would like to get an opinion......

Do you think I will qualify for a red card....

My ailment:

I was diagnosed with ADD when I was young and had taken many different medications for it since. Such as Ritalin, methylphenidate, and Aderall....I took these medications for about 6 years consistently constantly switching medications because of migraines....I asked the doctor to take me off of the medicine but when I was off the medicine I would have intense nausea throughout the day and it was so hard to function....I started smoking bud around this time and it is like an all in one wonder... It kills my stomach of it's nausea and it seems to speed my brain up to normal thoughts/functions.....I just recently tried to get back on my medicine to break away from the pot...The second day of taking 20mg Ritalin again brought back all the headaches from about miserable. I have the medical records showing all of this acitvity....

I know alot of you probably are not doctors and can not give me definite answer but I know ALOT of you do have your card and have been through the process maybe you might be able to offer a little insight.

Many thanks!<3


Active Member
I'm pretty sure if you just google co amendment 20 you should be able to find wether or not ADD is an excepted one...maybe tru can shed some more light but I know he's busy at the moment...if all else fails go with a sports injury if you got one

chef c

Well-Known Member
Cronic pain!!! Speaking of which... Looks like I get to have another surgery on my knee! Ya!! So awesome!! Awww... Lame :(


Well-Known Member
getting a rec is pretty easy. pain management is the easiest, as it also the toughest to prove you do not have chronic pain to manage. based on history and records, you should be ok.


My rec was based entirely on nausea, and i didn't have any records. This is an excepted condition in Colorado and you will have no issues finding a doc who will give yo ua rec, for a price. Records always help, sometimes even lower costs.
Make sure you let us know when you are in town, i am sure a lot of us would enjoy a session.....

chef c

Well-Known Member
Thx ed, I'm unstoked... Doc said I can just get a block so I can watch tho... Gonna be cool, kinda..


First, why would you want to watch that shit?
second that sucks, sounds like they are going to open you up? didn't think they really did that often any more.
Have you had surgery on it before?
When are they talking for the surgery?

chef c

Well-Known Member
Andy, haha, that's some funny shit bro... Killing me dude!
Tru, ya this well be the sixth and most likely the last on the miniscus, I might have one left in me after this but its kinda up to the doc once he's in there, as you can't MRI that part of the knee before surgery to find out what's going on and get a plan of attack... Y watch?, cuz its been such a long process I want to see what's going on in there ya kno :) and finally, december is favorite time of year to do this kinda thing, kinda get some down time from work and don't have to worry as much about affecting other people at my job w rehab as much. Neway-


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info! I will be glad to be in a friendly state soon! Can not wait to try some of those mainlining techniques :D

Good luck with your surgery Chef....and if you do watch you think you might faint from seeing the inside of your leg? hah


Well-Known Member
The cronic nausea created by your prescribed medication is a qualifying condition even though ADD itself is not. I'm betting any MMJ doc will take that and if they don't, then develop migraines. :wall:

chef c

Well-Known Member
Nothing could be as bad as seeing it when I opened it up myself that fateful day so many years ago... I almost passed out then, but decided to relax in the grass instead... Next to a smoking engine block :)
chef, would you mind pointing me in the direction of the doctor that will reccomend the highest plant counts in the beautiful state of Colorado? :weed:

chef c

Well-Known Member
chef, would you mind pointing me in the direction of the doctor that will reccomend the highest plant counts in the beautiful state of Colorado? :weed:
Let's pose that queston to all in the forum.. All I can tell you is that (and you may not like this) your better off starting/staying within the normal limits. 6 plants total, 3/3. Its just to shaky for my personal taste. Anyway, welcome- thanks for not trying to get clones from us right away :) stick around, let us know what you figure out, and populate your garden w fire from 303!!
Let's pose that queston to all in the forum.. All I can tell you is that (and you may not like this) your better off starting/staying within the normal limits. 6 plants total, 3/3. Its just to shaky for my personal taste. Anyway, welcome- thanks for not trying to get clones from us right away :) stick around, let us know what you figure out, and populate your garden w fire from 303!!

i didnt move here from mississippi for 6 plants. im trying to populate but cant seem to find a good doctor to go about growing legally. trying to become legiitimate but i need way more than six. ive got a doctor for 24, looking for more. too shaky? all i need is a name or clinic?


Well-Known Member
Red card district will give you extra if you pay their extra fee. $225 last time I checked. I think most of them do that now. Keep in mind that an edible recommendation for plant numbers over 6 will NOT KEEP YOU FROM BEING ARRESTED if caught. You will still be arrested, charged, processed, and drug trough the justice system. It is an affirmative defense in court, IF you can get the Dr to testify convincingly in your favor (unlikely). I never want to get that far. I'll just stick with growing trees and staying under numbers.


Red card district will give you extra if you pay their extra fee. $225 last time I checked. I think most of them do that now. Keep in mind that an edible recommendation for plant numbers over 6 will NOT KEEP YOU FROM BEING ARRESTED if caught. You will still be arrested, charged, processed, and drug trough the justice system. It is an affirmative defense in court, IF you can get the Dr to testify convincingly in your favor (unlikely). I never want to get that far. I'll just stick with growing trees and staying under numbers.
This is spot on. The only thing i will add is that tons of people try this same shit cause they think it makes them legal. Dr.s have caught on to this and know that they will be in court right next to you if you get caught. So they are not handing them out like candy anymore, those days have passed, now they will add them to a reasonable limit for you if you can justify the need.
Honestly though, see people come through here at least once a month thinking that they can get a huge recommendation and sell the extra to dispensaries and patients and it all be legal. Sorry to burst your bubble but it is not, at best you will have an affimative defense, which means you go in front of the court and say yes i did grow xx number of plants, but this is the reason why. And you cannot legally sell you extras and can only posses 2 ozs of meds, which is gonna be tough if you have more than 24 plants.