Question on how far along


New Member
Please have mercy and compassion for my stupidity and complete lack of knowledge.
I have always been interested in growing and wanted an inexpensive *plant and pray* trial run using only sun, water, and soil. I live in the N.E. United States May this year on a whim I started seeds (bag seed) indoors for an outdoor guerrilla grow. I started with 38 seeds to increase my luck. About 3 weeks in and everything producing nicely my cat decided to eat most my plants while indoors for hardening. I immediately started more seed, but was left with 2 sets of plants in different stages. Long story short....after a series of emergency moves of the plants to non optimal locations, nutrient deficiencies, lack of growth, and males I was left with 6 females. Due to the non optimal locations and lighting interruptions 4 of them *hermied*, 2 of which were my BEST performers. Now I am left with 2 females, 1 short and scarce (hopefully at least a bowls worth) and one tall and half way decent.
They are now outdoors for 12 hour sun and indoors in a completely black closet for the remaining 12. My question is, by looking can anyone tell me how much longer I have to go and what can I do to make sure my lonely 2 survive successfully to harvest.
Like I said, have mercy. I started on a whim and being a typical male, I did not read up on anything until I was faced with a problem. I also didn't read up on cloning and topping until it was too late.
I have definitely learned a lot this grow and my only expense was my time.

