Question for salvia.. PLEASE LOOK


Well-Known Member
Yeah, KT's stuff is the shit bro..
Get some plain leaf and some 10x, just sprinkle a bit of the last over a bowl of plain leaf and hit it. Repeat quickly until it works... ( your body has an innitial resistance that wears out as you use salvia). You don;t need stronger concentrates, you need more times smokeing the regular stuff...

I assume you will be sitting for each other. Try not to laugh at OR with the guy tripping... It migh tfeel like a shared joke, but if he goes under deep enough, his perception of what is going on and you gets altered alot, to the extent that the signals can get mixed up... The only thing you need to say to each other is to confirm that the other one is ok, and to make sure he knows he is tripping on salvia. One tends to not know what happened and how you got that messed up when it hits.


Well-Known Member
Bahaha, dude, if anything the effects are an order of magnitude above things like DMT even.​
I'd compare it acid in the stealthy way it comes up too.

I think what you find is that many people buy some then stick it all in a bowl and have no/little effect purely because they still have a tolerance.
And low level effects are pretty unpleasant as it does not allow your brain to do things needed for the experience. It may cause like partial sleep paralysis, which would cause needles and pins feelings etc... just to illustrate.
If you have a couple of small mini pipes in a row, it gives the salvinorin a bit o f time to do its thing in your body. If the room you are in, does not totaly go away, you have not yet reached suitable sensitivity. When it happens you'l be "oh my goding" with the rest of them.

This substance is not a good idea as a party trick, it needs to be done with someone you trust implicitly at least until you get the hang of it. I don;t care how passive/responisble etc. you are. Salvia doens't kick the shit out of you, it kicks you out of your shit... then leaves your conciousness in the shit.
damit I just read I cant get it shipped to florida.. lol what to do..and do I need "Non-Standardized" or "Standardized"
Salvinorin A, the active component of Salvia, is the most potent naturally occuring psychoactive substance on Earth. It is active on a level below the average dose of LSD.

Active meaning a drug's action affected by the quantity of drug that reaches the receptor and the degree of attraction (affinity) between it and its receptor on the cell's surface. Once bound to their receptor, drugs vary in their ability to produce an effect (intrinsic activity). So the amount of a drug that it takes to bind to its predesignated receptor and get a response out of it. Just becuase a drug is orally active at a certain level doesn't mean it will give the desired effects at a dose that low.

I just wanted to let you know what kind of drug you are dealing with so you can first gain alittle respect for the kind of drug you are dealing with. It is in my opinion the most powerful natural drug except perhaps for the Tropanes minus the Coca derived

Sr. Verde

I just got some 40x KT botanicals, good shit.

Be sure to use a butane torch lighter, I've never tried 5x or 10x, but realistically 40x is better for price, more bang for your buck, just be careful about your doses. Use less

And even though Salvia is legal, don't underestimate it, its POWERFUL!

Also, you want standardized, its worth a few extra bucks to know what your getting. PM me for any other questions


I agree with sr. verde get the 40x its a better value for what you get. be careful though if you've never done salvia before.


Well-Known Member
Yeah many people say salvia isn't worth it, but I feel bad for those people because it means they never had a true experience on salvia. I had 10x from BBB and from SalviaDragon both were very good. I would advise smoking in a bong because it just isn't the same out of a pipe. When your smoking remember to torch the bowl constantly, many people only light it to get it cherried, but salvinorin a requires a LOT of heat to activate it.