Question about when to harvest and how trichs color effects high?


Does the color of trichs effect high like energetic high or sleepy high, or is that just based on plant strain. I like a really strong up high any advice? Thanks


Active Member
Well for example when i harvest heavy indica strains like my purple kush I go for all cloudy and very little to no amber, I do not like the couchlock and being already indica imo you don't have to let it go as long if you want more sativa effects. Sativa dominant strains I will let go more amber for a combination of the already sativa heady high but still get the couch lock for night use as well. It all depends on personal choice and strain.


Well-Known Member
When u pick will have an influence on your high. The more cloudy to clear will produce an uppy more high. The more amber will effect deep with more narcotic effects. Look up peak ripeness of cannabis on google hit images and it should show you various pics. Sativa Dom strains more carry what you are looking for. U should check out sub cools gear he likes more of an motivational high and has very solid gear.


Well-Known Member
The more milky/clear mix will give you a more buzzy daytime smoke. The more amber/milky mix will get you the sleepy/heavy stone the more amber the heavier the stone. Of course strain will play apart in it.


So it will really effect the high or is it just making the weed weaker? I have short rider and jock horror with clear trichs now.


Well-Known Member
see now, Ive harvested & smoked bud off the same plant when it has clear triches & when it was weeks older and amber. no diff in buzz ,little in taste, the up or down buzz Ive found to be strain based, i just harvest when the fruit is ripe, never check triches !