Question about seedlings and growing from seeds


Active Member
Have several questions. All questions are in reference to indoor with soil.

1) Do you plant the seed when it first cracks, or do you wait for the sprout to get a certain size?

2) If you plant the seed when it first cracks do you cover the entire seed and tiny sprout, or do you leave the husk part exposed, not covered by dirt?

3) When you first plant the little thing, after it has sprouted, how much light do they need? Would 3 17 watt T8 fluorescent be enough? Or should they have something a bit more powerful, say one or more, (up to 5) 27 watt CFL's? Or should they just get put under 250 HPS? And of course how close should the light be at first?

4) What is the ideal temp range when they have first been planted? 74-80 F?

5) When should you first start to apply nutes? Of course in small doses

Thank you all, seedlings seem really fragile and difficult to use.


Active Member
I believe I have found my answers, feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

You plant the seeds as soon as they crack
You plant about a half inch deep and lightly cover the entire thing
The 17 watt T8 fluorescent are great to start them
The temp should be between 78-80
No nutes for at least 2 weeks

Anyone care to comment or make corrections?


Well-Known Member
^^^ Right on the nose, but i can say that wen u germinate if u let the sprout get about a half inch long then plant it, it will break the soil the next day. And the T-8 will be perfect for thenm and vegging