Question about scrog ing!


Well-Known Member
Shit really? So right now it's hung at approximately 50 inches from the think I should reduce it to 25 inches?
Yes for "scrogging" you want the net much lower, you are using it as a 'trellis' support right now, nothing wrong with that though. For scrogging all those buds standing straight up would be bent 90 degrees over at a height shorter than the shortest plant in pics.

If those are soil plants I'd just leave it as is, and raise the shorter girl up to the same height to keep even canopy as best you can.


Well-Known Member
Shit really? So right now it's hung at approximately 50 inches from the think I should reduce it to 25 inches?
In the future you should lower it. For this grow just take it out. That isn't scrogging at all. You use the netting to train the plants horizontal in veg to even the canopy before flipping to flower. There is much information on how to correctly scrog available online. Just putting a net in to your grow doesn't make it a scrog. A good scrog grower will fill up a 4 x 4 tent with one plant. I see many scrog attempts where there are multiple plants just growing up through some netting. Some take months of vegging to fill the scrog with massive amounts of bud sites. Scrogging takes more than just putting a net above the plants.

What you need to do is get more light on those plants. Get another light ASAP and worry about scrog for your next grow.

Good luck bongsmilie