Question about Ph.


Active Member
I never quite understood, for example, if my soil is too acidic say 5.0 and I water the soil with ph'd water of 7.0, will this affect the soil's ph by doing this 1 or 2 times?
Since I'm using ph strips, I can only measure it when it's wet, therefore I'm not really noticing any change. Or do I need to raise the pH of the water even more to make any counter effects to the acidic soil?
Please enlighten me one this one.


Well-Known Member
Plain water in soil is not going to alter your ph much if at all over the short term. If you are in need of raising it try dolimite lime, hardwood ash or bone meal. But I am certainly not an expert on that I haven't tested any soil I have used since 1987 when I bought an overworked farm and wanted to know what the soil was like, but dolimite will be your easiest solution.
Happy Growing

ShoAL paTroL

Well-Known Member
Just mix your nutes,test it before you water it in.since your using strips just get the ph around 6.if want you test the runoff water and see how much it changes.also you use silica to raise your ph or just use a ph stable nutrient


Well-Known Member
Dolomite Lime.

pHng liquids will only temporarily affect the soils pH and a pain in the butt to boot.

Dolomite lime is pretty much a one application deal.
