Question about my Hanna Primo meter


Well-Known Member
For the life of me I cannot find out if this meter is the .5 or .7 conversion can someone please help because the guy at the hydro store doesn't know either.:confused:


Well-Known Member
Okay after talking to a friend I found my answer on another site. The Hanna Primo (which is the cheap blue one) is in the .5 conversion so hope this thread can help someone else out. WOW I am the starter of this thread, the only one to post in this thread after over 40 viewings lol, and I answered my own question LMFAO! Like I said I hope this helps someone who might stumble on this thread. And I +rep myself lol i wish.


Well-Known Member
I apologize for giving the wrong information...... this ppm meter is in the .7 conversion not the .5 conversion. Come to find out almost all ppm meters sold in the US are .7 conversion. Again I apologize for this mistake..... I hope I havent messed up your grow OrganicHobbiest