Question about mothers


Active Member
I'm about to start my first grow and know it's best to start with clones but that's not an option for me at this time so I'll start with seeds which leads me to the next 2 questions I hope someone can clarify for me

1) What's the easiest way to maintain a mother plant (Keeping size down and little care with nutrients/res changes)

2) How long do I need to wait before I can take clones off the mother from a seed? (I just read somewhere that I can't do ScROG from seeds and has to be from clones which makes me want to get a mother going ASAP so I can take 2-3 clones off her)

Thanks again everyone for any advice/guidance!


New Member
top and prune to keep ur size down
and u can do scrog from seed....whoever said that is talking out their ass


Active Member
What grow method should I use for the mom for easiest/laziest care? Some special blend of soil that I can just manually water when needed? or is there an easy bubble/hydro method to keep her alive without having to change water/nutes often


New Member
if ur looking for a just water kinda grow then lookup subcools organic soil recipe
as for easiest method,just top it for more branching
or u can supercrop it and prune as needed


Well-Known Member
You can do whatever you want with a SEED. If you want your mom to grow slow like mine put it in some mirical grow soil, it holds water well and pot plants grow slow in it.You can top your plant at 5 or 6 nodes and clone the top for starters,read uncle bens thread.After you have taken a few passes of clones you could train it for a scrog or flower it as is. thats what i did with this thing and it worked out nice.the mg soil has some nutes in it so all you have to do is water every couple days for the first month or so. good luck.

