Question about light


Well-Known Member
Sup everyone, I just had a question about this light. It says that it's for flowering, but would it be a good choice for growing as well as flowering? I'm looking to get a florescent setup to grow like 6-8 plants. Thanks for the help.
uh, is there supposed to be a link or picture ?


Active Member
thanks for the help, so maybe if I made it like 4 plants instead, would that be enough light or does it not really matter how many plants are under it?
edit: Also, will the buds be poor quality if flowered under that setup? I live in Northern Cali so judge it by that standard. :)


Well-Known Member
thanks for the help, so maybe if I made it like 4 plants instead, would that be enough light or does it not really matter how many plants are under it?
depends how big they are. The trouble with floros is they don't penetrate deeply so growing big tall plants is a waste of time. A bunch of clones only a few inches tall is the best way (Sea of Green) or trained big plants spread out by tying down or SCROGed. It just takes some extra effort, most people give up and buy the bigger and cheaper HID lights after a while.