Question about infrared LED's

  • I have a chest freezer that I am going to be converting into a grow box in the next couple of weeks. With holidays and stuff coming up, I will be going out of town for some time (thanksgiving, christmas, girlfriends sorority formal
    , the list goes on). I am planning on putting an IP camera in there that I will be able to access thru the internet anywhere and I will have a buddy back here that will be able to water / tend to the plants. My question, is if I purchased a camera that had infrared LEDs on it, would that affect my plants in their night cycle? I know that light wavelength is invisible to human eye but im guessing it is visible for the plant. It would allow me to see in there at night time, Not a requirement or anything to have an infrared camera, but most of the ones that I would be able to move around remotely (pan tilt zoom) have the LEDs on them. I can rip them out, just want to know if anyone has had experience with this​
