question about indoor growing setup


Active Member
What is the absolute cheapest way, regarding the electric bill, and most unnoticeable change in the bill, to have a successful grow setup indoors?

And preferrably a closet grow? I have a good amount of space in my closet though, but still want to keep it minimal.

Maybe for 3 or 4 plants max in this setup? If it takes a little longer then that's fine.

I basically want to keep the setup minimal and the most important part is a non change in the electric bill.

Is it possible? Maybe a 150w setup? I've seen that thread. How much does that change your electric bill?


Well-Known Member
There's no way of using more electricity than you do now and not increasing your electric bill unless you compensate by using less somewhere else. Why are you so concerned about the electric bill if you only plan on having a small set up. I would consider 4 cfl's that put out 100w each but only use 24w of power each - that wouldn't affect the bill too much at all.


Active Member
There's no way of using more electricity than you do now and not increasing your electric bill unless you compensate by using less somewhere else. Why are you so concerned about the electric bill if you only plan on having a small set up. I would consider 4 cfl's that put out 100w each but only use 24w of power each - that wouldn't affect the bill too much at all.
I just don't want my parents to bitch at me about the bill being up. I don't think they much care about me growing.