question about feeding

okay so i have been starting out growing since may and i have been doing alright, but i have ran into a few defficiency's along the way. example i have one going right now that shows sign of nitrogen def, its 3foot maybe closer to 4 foot tall and i want to start it to start flowering so i can finish it in my gro tent. so heres my question. can i feed it the bat guano that is more for budding i think its called jamaican bat guano 1-10-1 will that help correct my nitrogen problem of should i feed it with the regular guano for vegative stage that has the higher n levels.? oh and is it possible to feed a plant with two different products, such as the reg guano and jamaican guano in the same feeding? has anyone done this or is this plain knowledge that you shouldnt mix two dif feeding products at the same time? any advice is appreciated!!

the second/third picture is my other plant i believe its a phosphorus defficiency, also there is purple on the tips of fan leaf just the ends on a few. whats all of your thoughts on that.


seed to flower

Active Member
The organic food said above is ok to mix-up..when trees turn more green again (not dark green) back-off the nitro guano and add some calcium/magnesium (CalMag or SensiCal Mg) to each watering and repeat until symptoms (rust/brown spots) improve. There is a "Deficiency Chart" posted here to help trouble shoot (Growing Problems)
The purple part... can be genetics but, usually a defense mechanism to cold for non-purple strains.
One of the photos shows "leaf Clawing" older leaves usually indicate symptoms 1st, check the TDS and PH from run-off water (6.5 ph, TDS 1400ppm no higher for extended periods [some trees can handle more but, will have to back off at some point])


Well-Known Member
how I will do it .. add the guano povder (mine is 2-15-2) to the top soil ..

and water with the Veg guano (blue bottel) .. fist week or two of flowering .. need the N. they stretch to double size ..

then switch to the bloom guano (red bottel) by that time the povder schould also have begon to kick in .. so they get the P they need ..

Edit: mine guano povder also hold a lot of Ca. so then you will "only" need some mg and sulfor/sulfat .. I would strongly suggest Epsom salt .. some Lime to correct PH might be a good idea aswell ..
yes i know there is a defficiency page i have actually read through it a couple times but was not a 100 % sure which deficiency it was i had two in mind but finally went with phosphorus and alot of the photos looked similiar leaf damage/bleaching. thanks for the response!