Question about digital grow lamp?


Well-Known Member
I have a 400 watt as is but am planning on starting a set up which is called "a sea of green" and was looking to also get a 1000 watt. I was wondering is spending the extra buck on the digital balast worth it also what advantages have people that actually have used it notice differently from the normal ballast. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
digital ballasts do rock. When I first plugged mine in I was shocked, literally shocked man by how much brighter it was. They really got that 30% brighter. I was also happy with how easy the cord sets were on prewired ballasts for my lumatek, no more handwiring econo ballasts. I noticed no emi interference and I have 2.

however I wont buy anyhting other than a lumatek. After hearing the horrror stories of other ballasts and reading about the product that is the only electronic ballast out thee that pulls it weight it looks like. Plus a 5 year warranty.

I had to get a 600 as the 1000 watters are like twice as much, but on ebay right now they got some killer deals. Plus I can interchange bulbs.

The power is awesome.