Qick question about regrowth


Well-Known Member
When its time to harvest my plants, is it possible (if I went in with a magnifying glass and scalpel) to clip the buds without killing the plant then try and regrow the flowering buds?


Well-Known Member
What do you mean by "from what I got"? do you know someone who has tried before? Ill definately post some pics... I just figured it would be like any other plant, when you cut fruit or flowers you often times can get a second harvest out of them...


Well-Known Member
I'll believe youll have to re-veg for a bit then got back to 12/12 and you could re-flower, but as for trimming them off, and new ones replacing it, I dont know.


Well-Known Member
harvest the top 2/3rds of the plant and then the 1/3rd remaining will regenerate after like a week,dont touch the bottom buds if u want them to regenerate.give the plant partial light,make it like dusk for like 24hours so that it can heal the wound and wont bleed out


Well-Known Member
after it regenerates,u should take clones so that u have a gaurentee of females and u can finally lay ur mother to rest

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member

I have read one post of someone who did this 3 times.

They had one plant, first they harvested 6oz then gave it a good feed let it go for 2 more weeks, then harvested 7oz gave it anouther feed 2 weeks later they go anouther 3oz.

I'm testing out something simlar.

I have a sea of green type grow, but insted of cutting all the lower growth I have let it grow, I plan to harvest all the top buds, and then feed again and hopfully two weeks later I will havest all the undergrowth.

I think that this system might only work with hydroponic type grows, beacuse of the long flush requred for soil growing. I'm growing DWC and only need to flush for 6 days. that means the plants arn't so stressed out when It comes to harvesting.

Any way. I will let everyone know how I got on in a few weeks when I have done it. Should have a result by the end of may.


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot man I would really like to know how it goes so please keep me up to date. PM me if you have to.

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member
I will post in this section if the fourm, a compleat guide to how I did it IF it works. fingures crossed.

I will post my results regardless of course.

I am aiming to get 1 Gramm per Watt of light in the flowwering room.

So Thats 400Grams I need to harvest.

10oz to 14oz = Complete succsess, I have landed the method I will use forever more.

7oz - 10Oz = I'm on the right root but I wan to do better, continue the expraments.

Less than 7oz = Not good, something wet wrong hear and I will be taking a very differnt root next time.

Wish me luck.


Well-Known Member
I have been wondering th same thing, one of girls is about 2 weeks away, but i think if I only harvest the top of her and bring the lights down, I can harvest again like 2 weeks later.....
I went a little bit further and harvested all the buds off some outdoor plants as it hit winter a little to early for my liking.

I put all 3 into DWC.
1 week on straight water, then slowing adding nutrients.

2 plants have survived this drastic change in environment.

I will post pictures soon, as their growth is really starting to accelerate. I wanted to get them a bit bigger, before I decide to put them back outside to flower again...and again....


Active Member
wouldn't it be better to not reveg the plants and just lower the light and continue the flowering process, although the lower buds have seen X number of dark periods this does not mean they are ready, they have not received enough light for them to be ready it seems to me revegging is wasting a few weeks and possibly destroying the buds, anyways let us know your opinion from your experience and if anyone has had experience in getting bigger yield from popcorn nuggets, please post, thank you.