Pythium Or Nute Defecient. (pics of course)


Well-Known Member
basically i had pythium last grow pretty sure its clean, but i was just wondering if this is an early sign of its return, or if they just simply need some nutes, there about a week old from seed, hydro bubbleponic, no nutes added yet.

thats it!


Well-Known Member
Okay no offence when i say this but...Whats with people and thinking theres a damn height requirement for stuff. Its time not size that matters.


Well-Known Member
hmm i believe a little of both, cause i've read that the seed can or should last 3 weeks, but i donno haha i think i'll give them super weak nutes tonight
see what happens..


Well-Known Member
wtf is the problem here? lol all i see is a discolored round leaf that will fall off eventually anyways


Well-Known Member
That "discolored round leaf" is where the seedling gets its nutes from. Thats how you tell when you need nutes.


Active Member
add a VERY tiny bit of nutes, just to get it started.

if your cotyledons turn greener then you know the nutes are doing their thing.


Well-Known Member
So i added nutes at 103ppm this morning lol pretty close for my first guess haha, so ya, put that in resivoir got a ppm of 39 ( was at 24 ) come home tonight about 12 hours later and they drank 6 ppm, not bad lol? so they are eating which is good, but so now time will tell


Well-Known Member
yeah needed a bit of N in my opinion and a lose dose of nutes in general..


Well-Known Member
ya i added a bit more then half and didn't see much improvment they haven't drank much, and the leaves are droopy, thinkin it might be a ph problem so will boost that up a bit


Well-Known Member
so i dissapeared for a bit, i am a stupid person when it comes to growing because i cant follow my own advice i got super crazy pythium this time around shit floating around the reservoir, trying things way diffrent still no soil but i will be getting a 4 gallon i know i wanted 5 but couldn't find a lid for it lol, but anyways ya 5 gallon bucket, triple coat of mylar, and im going to put two bubble wands in there both powerd by 3 watt air pumps, and will have just one plant in there, taking the heater out of the acual room and moving it some what close to the heater, will also put my ocilating fan in the back right corner where air flow doesn't seem to hit as much. will also start with h202 in reservoir. also i am going to run the resservoir with no rockwool, hydroton to see if pythium develops, or any other problems