Pyrethum? This white spider web looking stuff on surface


Well-Known Member
This happened 2 grows ago, started to see this in the dirt then the leaves started shriviling up and turning yellow then they were all dead.

What do I do now? Transplant them all to new dirt? Any idea of the cause of this?0303182338f.jpg 0303182338e.jpg 0303182338d.jpg 0303182338c.jpg 0303182338b.jpg 0303182338a.jpg 0303182338.jpg


Well-Known Member
I'd vacuum that off then replace it with new top soil right away.
Aaaand in the long term, maybe more perlite and water less often?


Well-Known Member
Dirt has been shoveled off the top, took the whole top 2 inches, not seeing any more mildew looking white powder in the dirt anymore, should I swap dirt and get new pots?

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
thats not pythium, its just mold, you water too often, and the surface of your pot stays too wet. let your pots dry out more between waterings . you can turn that over in your soil and it'll die, it needs light like algae to grow, but i'd just get rid of the top couple of inches and replace it.


Well-Known Member
H202 in a spray bottle probably wouldn't hurt.

I myself wouldn't bother replacing to much dirt as they probably won't get much if any root growth in it.Possibly just resulting in the same thing again.