put your spider mite infected plants outside


If it is possible....I had a bad spider mite problem I think I may have remedied. I did have to get rid of a few, but I saved a couple smaller ones by cutting off all the leaves I could without killing the plant and then moved the pots, lights and all OUTSIDE. The weather is suitable where I am at and I don't have too many plants so its okay for me. I'm not an expert, but it seems like outdoors are inhospitable conditions for spider mites. My lights at night drew lots of nats and other insects including ladybugs who feed on spider mites. I'm not sure if the nats feed on spider mites or not, but I do see them sitting on the leaves and in the soil all night and the spider mites soon disappeared. The nats don't harm the plant in the least. Obviously not everyone is in a situation they can do it, but if you can I think moving your plants outside for a little while can give you a good shot at getting rid of spider mites who really seem to hate outdoors.


Well-Known Member
You should try Sns209 by sierra natural science. Its a preventative systemic formula that will keep them away from your plants. Best shit on the market. I got spider mites 1 time! And Never again!


You should try Sns209 by sierra natural science. Its a preventative systemic formula that will keep them away from your plants. Best shit on the market. I got spider mites 1 time! And Never again!
I'm in Asia so its hard for me to get alot of that sort of thing. I did spray with a light mixture of dishsoap and alcohol though. Putting them outside though really seemed to wipe them out.


Well-Known Member
I'm in Asia so its hard for me to get alot of that sort of thing. I did spray with a light mixture of dishsoap and alcohol though. Putting them outside though really seemed to wipe them out.
Cool, that's good to know. Your Pretty crazy for growing marijuana in Asia! That's a huge risk! keep that shit on the down low,low,low....good luck.


Well-Known Member
Hot Shots are a good aid in the battle.. They can't be the only thing you use. They have to be a steady as you switch other treatments up!

Rusty Shakelford

Well-Known Member
Yea, if you can get your hands on the HOT SHOTS in Asia, then that is the way to go.. Just leave it in the room for a couple of weeks so it not only kills the Existing Mites, but will also kill the mites that are gonna hatch over the next few days. I found no need to use anything else, as most just sucked.