Put hermied branch into water? When?


Active Member
When should I cut off a hermied (on purpose) branch and put it in water for the pollen to mature?


Well-Known Member
Avoid water if you are trying to use the pollen because water makes pollen no bueno immediately upon contact.


Active Member
Why do you want to keep hermie pollen ...but for hermie plants... its very twisted and abnormal thinking ....go study some more, here

Marijuana: Jorge's RX

Put the hermie down wipe down your grow area and start again...this time avoid hermie plants by growing the normal way!!!
I used colloidal silver spray on an autoflower.
I considered this to be a safer and more sure way than letting it go after flowering.

put a paper bag over it to collect pollen. he's making female seeds i think vostok.
Yes, I am. But my question was: when to cut off and seperate the affected branch from the flowering female parts to prevent pollen contaminating my whole plant.
I read about cutting it off and letting it finish in a glass of water before the pollen sacks could open.

Avoid water if you are trying to use the pollen because water makes pollen no bueno immediately upon contact.
Thanks for the heads up. My mind however, was more upon putting it the cutted side down - as if I were cloning- into water, as to keep it alive for enough time for the pollen to be fertile.
- not submerging the whole branch. :D


Well-Known Member
Hey i have read whacker shit on this forum than dunking a herm branch in water to collect pollen lol, good luck with that man pollen collection is unexplored terf for me, might get a better response in the breeder forum